leaving home

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I woke up around 6 in the morning and my appointment wasint untill around 9 so i got up grabbed my phone and made a cup of coffee. I picked up my phone and decided to call my dad and let him know how my first day went. "Hey sweetie". He said when he answered. "Hey dad just wated to call and say hi". I replied. "How was your first day". He asked. "It was good i was late but the proffesor was pretty cool about it so thats good". I said. "Do you have class today?". He asked. "Yeah but not untill this afternoon, which is good because i have a doctors appointment at 9". I answered. "Is it that checkup you need before you go?". He asked. "Yeah nothing major". "Ok sweetie well im heading to work so call me tonight and let me know how your appointment go's love you". He said. "Ok dad love you to". I said before hanging up. When i finished my coffee i went to my closet to pick out an outfit. I decided to wear a pair of black leggings with a tan cardigan and a pair of flats. Then i put my hair in a messy side braid. Then i sat down at my vanity do do my makeup. When i looked in the mirror i noticed a bruise on my shoulder. I remember hitting it yesterday but i barely touched it an it didn't hurt at all untill now. I've never had sensitive skin anf never bruised that easy before. When i was done with my makeup i grabbed my purse and keys amd left. I got to the doctors around 8:40 so i had like 20 mins. Before my appointment. When i got the doctors my phone rang.

"Hellow". I answered. "Hi makenzie this is the recruitment office". The lady on the phone said. "Oh hi". I said confused on why they were calling. "You will be joining in 3 weeks but we are calling to tell you that you will accually be starting on Thursday". She said. "Umm ok, if you dont mind me askimg why?". I asked politely. "Well turns out most of the classes you are taking you can now take here because we offer them, we just want to get you in training and doing hands on things as soon as possible". She replied. "Ok i understand thanks for letting me know". I said. "Your welcome, bye bye". She said before hanging up.

After i got off the phone i went into the doctors office to sign in. "Makenzie Williams". The nurse called after a short wait. I followed her into a room where she took my blood pressure and temperature. A few min. After she left the doctor came in. "Hey kenz how ya doin?". He asked. "Good how are you George?". I asked. "Im alright". He answered. Gorage carver has been my doctor since i was a baby so we are now very close, luckily with my college being so close he can still be my doctor untill i am stationed. "So do you have any questions or concerns?". He asked. "Accually yeah i do, its probably nothing but i have had a couple nose bleeds latley and its never happend to me before, and i noticed this bruise on my shoulder and i lightly hit it but bot hard enough to have brusied it". I said. "Ok well we will take some blood just in case anything is going on and i will get the results back to you soon". He said. "Ok and dr. Carver just thought i sould mention im leaving in two days on thursday to be stationed so if i dont answer you right away just leave me a message". I said. "Wow that was quick, congratulations kid". He said as he walked out. Once the nurse was done taking my blood i left and headed to class instead of going home just to make sure i wasn't late. I got to class early and decided to talk to my proffesor. "Um hi proffesor rays, i just wanted to let you know that today will be my last day". I said. "Yes i heard the recruitment office called the office today and told all of your proffesors". He said while rummaging through papers. "Ohh ok". I said as other students made there way in.

After class was over i went back to my apartment to pack. I will head home which isint a far drive and spend the day with my family and sleep at my dads then in the morning head to the recruitment office. It took about 3 hours to pack all of my stuff and by the time i was done i was exusted. I layed down i turned on the tv. In the morning i woke up around 10 which is kind if late for me. Then i grabbed some boxes and headed out to my car after a few trips i was done. Then i went to taylors apartment to pick her up she put in like 2 boxes and then got in. "Wow you dont have alot at all". I said surprised. "Well i barley live there, im always doing errands for stella". She replied. "So how was your doctors appointment?". She asked. "It was fine, you know normal checkup". I replied. I didn't want her to worry for no reason. The ride felt like forever but we were finnaly here. I woke taylor up and told her we were at my dads house. She woke up and we went to the door together. Even though i have only been gone for a month it feels like its been forever. After i knocked my step mom came to the door. "Makenzie hi how was Vanderbilt?". She asked. "Hey merissa it was good, is dad home". I asked changing the subject. Me and my step mom have never really had a good relationship, which makes sence because her and my dad got married not even a year after my mom died. "No he is at work but him and kaley should be home in about an hour, he picks her up now after work". She said. "Ok well i think im gonna go get a coffee with taylor, but we will be back in about an hour". I said while turning around. "Ok see ya soon". She said as she shut the door. "Seems like your guy's relationship hasint gotten any better". Taylor said as we got in the car. "Nope and it never will". I replied. When we got to the cafe i saw alyssa ordering a coffee. "Hey". I said as i walked up and gave her a hug. "Omg hey i didn't know you were coming home". She said in surprise. "Yeah neither did i but im getting stationed tomorrow". I said. "Wow that was quick, well maybe we can all get together and have dinner tonight". She said while getting her coffee from the cashier. "Yeah maybe, im staying at dads tonight so maybe you can come over". I suggested. "Yeah sounds good". She said. "Ok well we will talk more later i got to get back to work love you".  She said giving me a hug. "Ok love you to". I said. Then me and taylor got our coffees and went back out to my car. Then i brought taylor back to her parents house. "Bye kenz im gonna miss you so much please be careful and call me every chance you get". Taylor said while giving me a hug outside of my car. "Im going to miss you to and i will call you as much as i can love you". I said. "Love you more". She said as i started to get in the car.

After i left i drove around town because i probably wont be back for a few years then i went back home and saw dads truck in the driveway. When i went to the door kaley answerd. "Omg kenny". She said giving me a huge hug. She has called me kenny since she was a baby because she couldn't say my full name. "Hey". I said hugging her back. "How's highschool?". I asked. "It sucks, how's college". She asked. "Tough but i like it." I answered. "Why are you back so soon". She asked. "Well wheres dad i have to tell you guys somthing". I said walking in. "Hey sweetie". Dad said as he gave me a hug. "Hey dad can i talk to you guys". I asked. "Sure honey, whats up?". He asked. At this point kaley, dad, and merissa were all looking at me concerned. "Well the recruitment office call me yesterday and i am being stationed tomorrow". I said. "But you haven't finished your classes". Merissa said confused. "Well they want me to start training asap so i will be able to finish my classes there". I said. "So your leaving tomorrow". Kaley said disappointed. "Yeah but i will be able to visit in a year and we can face time". I said happily. "Your always going to be busy." She said. "Honey lets just enjoy tonight together before she leaves". Dad said looking at kaley. "I invited alyssa over tonight for dinner if you guys dont mind". I added quickly. "Yes that would be great". Dad said. After that merissa and dad started dinner while kaley sat on the couch with her phone. I know kaley is mad at me but its not my fault that i am being stationed early i just wish she would be happy for me. After about an hour alyssa showed up with her boyfreind. After the table was set we all sat down and began to make are plates. "Hi im Joseph, i dont think we have met". Alyssa's boyfreind said while reaching his arm across the table. "Hi im Makenzie, nice to meet you". I said back. After that we all talked for about an hour about random things. After dinner i said goodnight to everybody and went to bed.
I got up at 5:15 and began to get ready. When i went down stairs dad was making breakfest. "Hey sweetie, thought you should have a big breakfast before you go". He said. "Thanks dad, it smells great". I said smiling. A few minutes later kaley came downstairs. "Mmmmm dad it smells awesome". She said as she was coming down. "I know, i know im an awesome chef". Dad said with a chuckle. While we were eating breakfest i felt very anxious because going into the military always felt like a dream but now it was accually coming true. Ever since my mom died i have wanted to save lifes and be a doctor. Then i came up with the idea of saving people that are fighting for our country, and that's how I thought of a millitary doctor. And now today i wil accually be a millitary doctor i just wish mom was here to see it. After breakfest i started to give hugs and say goodbye. "Im gonna miss you sis". Kaley said while hugging me. "I know im going to miss you to, but dont worry its not forever i will be back on visit before you know it". I said trying to make her feel better."Bye merissa". I said while giving her a short hug. "Bye, goodluck". She replied. "Bye sweetie please be careful and call all the time, i love you kid". Dad said while giving me a hug. "I will dad i love you to". I said. Then while they all stood on the porch i went to my car and got in while they waved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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