Chapter 3

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I woke to the sound of my phone ringing, It rang 4 times before i finally answered, 

"What?!" I asked annoyed!

"Hello would of been nice," 

"Sorry Harry, i didnt mean it to be rude but you did wake me up at 7.15 in the morning!"

" I know i am sorry but i just wanted to talk to you before i go to work," He said 

"Ok what's up?" I asked while sitting myself up in bed.

"Nothing, Did you have fun last night?" 

"Harry babe, I will always have fun with you!" I exclaimed

"Good, Well i have to go to work now so, Talk later alright?"

"Sure Have fun!" 

"Thanks! Bye, Love ya!" When he said those words i froze.

"Bye, Love you too!" I managed to say, then he hung up. Again as always i am overreacting. He only probably meant love you as a friendly way! 



I was just off the phone with Imogen, I said love ya i really hope she didnt take it the wrong way. Dont get me wrong she is a beautiful lady but i love her as a friend. 

I was on my way to the office for a meeting with the boys and simon. Driving down the streets is so fun, just because the fans cant see you but you can see them. Some of them go overload on the merchandise, others they wear very little but enough to know they are fans. I have to say they are very dedicated. 

I pulled up out the back of the building so the paps cant see me. I walked up to the receptionist and didnt even see who it was she just said room 15 floor 7, away i was. I walked down the corridor until room 7 and knocked on the door. 

"Harry, nice to see you again," simon said.

"Uncle Si!" i walked over and give him a bro hug. I looked around and saw the others where already here, i done the same to them as i did to simon. 

"So.. What are we here for?" niall asked.

"I have arranged a tour for you guys again." he said. "the only problem is that it is in 2 weeks time..." 


"We have only been home for 2 months after the last tour, we need to have a break!"

"Yeah i know but you will have breaks at each country, you will get there and do shows then have a day and a half to do whatever you want." He was trying to reason with us. We all know that we would cave in to it but we wanted to see the options first.

"What else is in it for us?" 

"You can bring a friend each or family member or girlfriend anyone you want for a part of the tour or even all of it" We all looked at each other then at simon. 

"We will do it!!" We said in sink.

"Alright i will get my asisstent to email you's the details sometime this week."

"Alrighty simon see you soon," we all said.

We all went our seperate ways after the meeting. I walked through the door, and went to the fridge to get something to eat. I opened the fridge door to see there was nothing left. I made a mental note in my head to go grocery shopping sometime this week. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. 

I have realised there is no food left in my house do you want to go out for food with me? - Imogen

So have i, i was just about to call you to see if you wanted to, where we going?- harry

We can go where ever you want im not to fussy. ;) xx - Imogen

Alright i will be there to collect you in 5 xx - harry

Ok see you soon xx - imogen

Her house wasnt that far away from mine so it only took a few minutes to get there. I texted her to tell her i was outside her house. I turned and looked at her walking down the driveway, I have to say she looks stunning today. She was wearing Light washed jeans and a tank top with a checkered shirt with white converse, wavy hair and light amount of make up. 

She got into the car and we drove to the local shopping centre and bought some picnic supplies. I had a picnic set with me anyway. We arrived at the local lake and set our things out and started eating.

"This is a lovely day today," 

"I know," there was silence for a while, it wasnt awkward it was comfortable. She was the first one to speak.

" Mmmm this sandwich is delious!"

"Here let me try," she handed me her sandwich and i handed her mine. We both tried eachothers, she was correct this was delious! 

"Mmmm, it is," she agreed. After eating we saw it was getting late, so we decided to take a walk around the lake. After a while of walking we reached the car. I didnt want this night to end, I was getting this butterfly feeling when we touched or held hands. I hopped up on the roof of the car.

"What are you doing?" 

"Come on just get up, we are gonna watch the stars!" I knew she loved doing this so i helped her get up. I felt her shiver. 

"Are you cold?" 


"Imogen dont lie to me."  I knew she was cold so i pulled her close and put my arm around her. Again i got that feeling, i wasnt quite sure what it was. 


"Yes harry?" 

"I have missed this." I saw her lift her head and look up at me. 

"So have i.." Before i knew it we were both leaning in and then our lips touched. 



I havent updated in about over 4 months i am so sorry!!! 

Anyway a long chapter for you guys, also a lovely  ending :) 

Hope you keep reading, Love you guys 

thankyouu 1D'ers 

Alli(allicia) xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2014 ⏰

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