Play Time

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I stepped out into the clearing, the concrete ground making my pads flat.

I sat by the keeper, I could smell he was recently drinking wine. A delicacy among humans.

"Good girl Amari," He said, his voice gruff, but gentle, like a kind grandpa. He ruffled the top of my head. "Now, why don't you go play with the children, it seems as though the public loves you and wants to see more of your luscious coat." He bribed.

I stood up, brushing my tail against his leg in understanding. I trotted off towards the tents and stands, the company always liked to have this "kid friendly" atmosphere to it. Much like a circus, a circus for freaks.

I nudged my way into a tent, I could smell that it was the reptile tent. Most lizards and dragon-type-creatures were kept here. But I didn't stay, even though my tail was scaly, I wasn't enough lizard to be kept here.

"Hi Amari!" Called a small dragon, I could tell who it was by their voice.

"Hello!" I called, I slowed my steps but kept walking.

"What 'cha doin'?" They asked.

"Just passin' by." I said, keeping my eyes on the entrance/exit.

"O-ok! See you later!"

I flicked my tail in farewell, and trotted into the light. The main place was busy, children hustling and bustling to see all of the animals, teenagers taking pictures of them and comparing them to their friends.


I turned my head to see a small, dark-skinned toddler running towards me with his arms outstretched. His mother following quickly behind him.

"Troy! Troy baby be careful!" She shouted, managing to stop him before he touched me.

"But momma it's the puppy!" He whined.

"We should ask someone before we touch it, we don't know if it bites." She scolded.

I took a step forward, "It's alright, I'm kid-friendly." I said, nudging the kids hand with my nose. Catching a strong scent of graham crackers and pudding.

The mother had a surprised look on her face, "D-did..."

I nodded, "Yes, I can speak. The opening ceremony wasn't an illusion ya know." I said playfully, sitting down to make myself look harmless.

"Over here you guys! It's the one that talks!" One of the teens said, beckoning the rest of them to follow.

Soon there were teenagers crowded around me, a strong scent of hormones and perfume surrounded me. They began to ask questions and pet my fur.

"What do your parents look like?" One of them asked.

"What is your species called?" Another asked.

"Did you come from an egg?" A third one asked, dumbfounded.

I couldn't answer all of their questions at once, and the crowd was too big to silence, so I sat there and stayed quiet. The mother and her child had left.

But I noticed a teenager off from the group, he had hazel eyes and curly brown hair that went to his shoulders. He was staring at me with interest, his scent had a hint of mint, with a lot of cinnamon. I gazed at him, turning my head to one side curiously.

He blinked and turned his head, looking at the bird section.

"I'm sorry but I got to go." I said, pretty sure none of the teens heard me anyway.

I stood up and pushed my way through the crowd, leaving them disappointed and confused.

I followed the boy into the sea- section of the park, scenting a salty vibe from the surrounding tanks.

He hurried behind the tank holding the two-headed shark. I followed, stealthy watching. I turned the corner to another room, only to see him accidentally knock over a jar of seaweed.



I leapt at him, "Hey! Watch where your going! You have to pay for that you know!"

But he dodged, and burst out the back door exit in a hurry.

I bolted out the door before it closed, trying to catch the boy. But when I made it outside, he was nowhere to be seen. Then I heard a small rustling in the grass, and I lowered my head to the ground. A small brown field mouse was  scavenging for food.

"Hey." I said, getting the mouses attention.

It squeaked in fear and began to scurry away. But I easily pounced on it, trapping it beneath my paws.

"Please don't e-eat me!" It squeaked in terror.

"Relax! I don't eat mice, I'm not a cat." I growled, "Did you see a human boy run through here?" I asked, lowering my voice.

"No... All I saw is you." It squeaked.

I lifted my paws off of its tiny body, "Thanks anyways... " I said as I watched it's tail disappear into the bushes.

Who was that boy? And where did he go?

I would have to ask everyone.

Yo. I still need characters, I need your OC's... If ya wanna be in this book ya gotta reply, only three spots...


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