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I trotted to the building where the scene of the crime happened. Being sure to thoroughly sniff out any scents that would seem concerning.

There were none.

But I heard small squeaks and shuffling around the bushes.

I took a long, deep sniff in that direction.

It was the mouse again.

I lowered myself flat against the ground, my lizard tail curling up close to my hind legs. And I waited.

After a moment, nothing.

Then there was movement, the small  field mouse pattered to the door behind the tent, and snuffled around the lower crack between the ground and the wood. I wiggled my haunches, getting ready to strike, when the mouse suddenly leaped up and grabbed on to the handle. To great of a height for any mouse to leap, any regular mouse...

The small mammal wrapped their tail around the handle and reached for the latch. I watched in interest as he gripped his tiny claws onto the wood and pulled, pushing inward on the wood at the same time. He reached his goal with a satisfying 'click' from the door, as it creaked open.

I watched as he leaped down and squeezed through the tiny gap. Into the sea-section.

I tried to follow but my muzzle was pinched as the door closed again.

So I bolted to the front of the tent, trying not to be seen.

"Amari! Showtime!"

I swung my head at those words I always dreaded, showtime. I hated the speech I always had to tell three times a day...

I took one final sniff into the tent, before trotting towards the backstage. I would have to come back later if I wanted to catch the mouse in whatever act he was doing.

*5 minutes later*

I ran back to the sea-section tent, but before I made it, I was stopped by a group of kids that were accompanied by a middle-aged woman, a teacher I suppose.

"Wow a doggy!"

"Mrs. KitWolf can I pet the puppy?"

"WHOAH he looks so COOL!"

"Does it bite?"

I flinched at the sudden attention, the kids surrounded me. I would have tried to push through them, but humans were fragile. Especially the younger ones.

I decided not to say anything, as that would only make them more excited. But it lasted for longer then I thought, for the teacher made them all line up single-file to each have a turn in petting me. They all reeked of apple juice and gummy bears.

When I ran back to the sea-section, the back was empty, no one was there but a few teenagers, gawking at a giant shrimp.

I had to have someone here at all times, a fellow animal who would believe me. None of these fish could understand what I was saying, and I don't think fish could talk.

Then it came to me.

I could ask Lupusalatus.

Wild star your character is here.

I will try to add everyone's characters in in a way I can, but I need to think about how I can do so, but don't worry, everyone will be in. IT at some point or another!

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