Chapter 5

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You already know there is gonna be mature content in this chapter. 😏

Madalynn's P.O.V

During the makeout, Grayson took his shirt off, and he took mine off also. I grabbed his head, and forced it down.

My mouth connected with his neck, and I gave him a few hickeys.

He came back up, and looked at me. He smirked, and kissed me.

He reached down, and took off my sweatpants.

He looked up at me, and smirked. I grabbed the hem of his blue jeans, and slowly unbuttoned the pants.

I stopped unbuttoning his pants, and I started teasing him. I palmed his through his pants, and he got hard.

A gentle moan escaped his mouth. He looked down at me, and I looked at him and smirked.

I finished unbuttoning his pants, and he took them off. He grabbed a condom out of his back pocket of his pants, and he grabbed something else too. He put the items above my head.

He reached behind my back, and unclasped my bra with one hand. He took it off, and put it in the floor.

He leaned down to my neck, and started kissing it. I let out a light moan.

He made his way down my body, and he took off my panties.

All of a sudden, I felt a finger go inside of me. I moaned. He looked up at me, and smirked. "You like that?" He asked, and I shook my head yes. "Yes what?" He said in a demanding voice.

"Yes daddy." I said, and he took off his boxers.

He had to be about 8 inches.

He grabbed the condom, and the other item.

"Put your hands together." He said in a very sexual, demanding voice. I did as I was told, and he tied my hands together.

"Keep your hands right here, do not move them." He said, and put my hands above my head.

He put the condom on, and he put his hands on my waist.

I felt him slowly enter me, and I let out a quiet moan.

"Does it hurt?" He asked, and I nodded my head no.

He started going faster, and it was kinda hurting, but I didn't wanna tell him.

"I can tell it's hurting you, but I promise you, it'll turn into pleasure." He said.

I nodded my head yes.

He was right. A few minutes went by, and it turned into pleasure. I started moaning, and Grayson smirked.

I put my hands behind his head, and he stopped. He put them back above my head. He spanked the side of my leg, and my breath hitched. "Don't move your hands, or you'll be punished."

He started again, and I continuously moaned. He felt so good, and he was so good.

"Turn over, and get on your knees." He demanded, while untying my hands. I turned over. I gotta listen to my daddy.

I turned over, and got on my knees. He was hitting it from the back, and my moans got louder.

He wrapped his hand around my throat, and started lightly choking me.

I gripped the bed sheets cause of the pleasure.

"Ahh, daddy." I moaned, and he spanked me on my ass.

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