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3 months later

Madalynn's P.O.V

It has been 3 months since that Ethan and I situation.

Out of those 3 months, Ethan and I spent a month together because quickly came to conclusion that we just needed to stick to being friends.

And I'm okay with that, and so is he.

I lost my feelings for him and he lost his for me, so we're just back to being best friends with no feelings attached.

3 months ago was July, so now it's October, which is the month and today makes the exact date, that Grayson and I split.

We got together literally a week after school started which was August 13th, and we broke up October 29th.

I know it was a short time, but it was so easy to love him. It felt so right.

He's been heavy on my mind and I have no idea why.

I guess I miss him. Yeah, I do miss him.

My feelings for him are everywhere. They're gone, but then they're here. It's so hard to understand.

I guess I'm slowly starting to fall for him again which I know I don't need to now, knowing that he doesn't feel the same.

We used to talk a lot when I first moved here. We were like best friends, but he hasn't talked to me in 2 months.

Comes to find out, Grayson don't want nothing to do with me now, and I understand that.

I did hurt the boy by not going back to him when he loved me the most.

But it hurts to say that he lost his love for me.

Something that is never supposed to die.

Something that is never suppose to go away.

My love for him still kinda exists, but not as serious as it used to be.

As I've said before, Grayson will always have a piece of my heart.

And now he wants nothing to do with me.

One minute he wanted me back, the next minute he cut me off, like quit talking to me.

It's honestly heartbreaking how things can change so fast.

Moral story of this shit, don't fall for a fuckboy. Especially a fuckboy that you know about.

Because here I am now, slowly falling back into love with Grayson Dolan even though I shouldn't and there is nothing I can do about it.

But let's get off of that topic.

College is going great. I started my classes 2 months ago and they're actually really easy.

I have psychology with Ethan and Lynzie, so you know how that already goes.

I'm going here for 3 more years, so it's gonna be a longgg ride.

Ethan, Lynzie, and I have already been to a few of the frat parties, and needless to say, they're really fun.

As a matter of fact, we're going to one tonight, and that's what breaks me from my thoughts- me remembering that we're going to one of the parties tonight.

As I remembered, my phone buzzes in my hand causing me to flinch a little.

Ethan- you remember that party is tonight, right?

I text back instantly and grin as I do so, knowing how fun tonight was going to be.

Me- yeah of course.

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