Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning and got dressed:


I looked at the clock and saw it was 7:30. I had 20 minutes. I ate breakfast, put my hair up in a high pony-tail, leaving the hair hanging down curly. Then I brushed my teeth and looked at the clock. I was surprised when it said it was already 7:48.

I ran downstairs and heard Joey's truck pull in. I heard him get out and saw through the curtain him walking up to the door. I waited then flung the door open when he reached it and jumped out, wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist yelling "JOEY!"

He laughed as he caught me and said "What a welcome!"

I laughed as well and jumped down. "Sorry. Just wanted to say hello to my buddah and tell him good luck at tonights game!..Even though I'll be seeing him throughout the day..."

He laughed again and handed me his blue jersey. I put it on over my tank top and asked "Well how does it look?"

"Stunning." he grinned and I laughed a bit.

"I can say the same for you jock man!" I said guesturing to his white jersey, letterman jacket, and ring he was wearing from the team winning the biggest game that happened in the whole state last year.

"Why thank you! Shall we go m'lady?" he asks. I smile and loop my arm through his and say "Why thank you kind sir." and we head to his truck.

I hop in and so does he. He turns on the radio, turns in low and faces me "So, sinse you're wearing my jersey that means you'll go to the game tonight? Please?" His face was so hopefull I couldnt deny it.

I sigh "Sure."

"YES!" he exclaims doing a fist pump and I laughed. After another moment he turns to me again "You know, you've really changed Kat." he said. I frowned.

"I-Is that a bad things?" I ask.

"No! no of course not! Its great! You're getting confident and talking to people more!" he said.

"Oh..well..its all thank to you." I said with a smile at him and he smiles back.

"Naw, I just encouraged it." he says and I roll my eyes.

We pull up to the school and I see Clarissa getting out of her car just a few spots down. I duck just as she looks over.

"What are you doing?" Joey asks with a laugh.

"I-uh...I hand?" I say and he laughs rolling his eyes.

"Okay then..." he says getting out. I peek up and see that shes gone so I get out as well.

"You are so....strange." Joey says with a laugh and I smile.

"Come on, we should get to class." I say.

We head to our home room, and see the usual group of jocks and cheerleaders sitting together in a loud group. I start for my usual quite corner when Joey grabs my arms and asks "Where are you going?"

"To my usual seat..." i say confused.

"No, your sitting with us!" he says.

"No Joey I really dont-" I start but he gives me a puppy dog face.

"Pwease? I cant be pumped all day and do good unless I have my best fwiend with me." he says.

I look at him a moment then sigh "But we dont have every class together." I say.

"yes we do." he says and i give him a confused look. "Its Friday, all our classes are the same on Fridays."

I look at him then sigh "FINE!" I say and he does a little happy dance then we head over to the group.

"Hey guys!" Joey says sitting down in a desk. I stand there awkwardly.

"Hey Joey! Hey Katniss!" Brian says.

"Hey! Katniss is wearing Joey's uniform!" Melissa says.

"Told you they were dating!" Josh says.

"No we arent!" I say. They look at us confused.

"Then why are you wearing his jersey?" Brandon asked.

"Cause I dont have a girlfriend and shes one of my best friends so I asker to. Nuff said." Joey told them and they nodded. Brian leaned over to Joey and whispered something in his ear that made his face go red and he smacked Brian upside the head as Brian laughed.

"Oh shut up..." Joey mumbled. Then he saw me standing awkwardly and rolled his eyes. He reached over and grabbed my waist and pulled me up to sit on his desk.

"EEP!" I say as he does so and they laugh.

"There!" Joey says and I feel my cheeks going pink.

"So, pumped for the game Joey?" Josh asks with a grin.

"Course! We're gonna dominate!" Joey says giving him a high-five.

"The Spartans are goin' down!" Brian said.

Then the bell rings and we all stand up "Onto Math!" Joey says and we walk out of the room. We head to Mr.Wolffe's room and go inside sitting in the back sinse Mr.Wolffe told us we were having a free day sinse we finished the last section yesterday but sinse it was Friday we wouldnt have been able to have the review day we always have before a test.

"Hey Joey?" I ask as we push the front our desks together.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Can I...Can I draw you?" I ask sheepishly holding up my notebook. He grinned.

"Yeah! Do I have to stay still or...?" he asked. I shook my head.

"You can move." I say and he nods.

He talks as I draw and when theres only 2 minutes left of class im done. I hand it to him and he looks at it.

"Holy shiit" he said looking at it. "Its like looking in a black and white mirror!" he said and I laughed.

"Why thank you." I say and put my sketchpad back in my bag as the bell rings. We stand up and walk out.

I see Clarissa walking our way and I dive to the side hiding behind a trashcan. When shes gone I stand back up and Joey gives me a weird look.

"Kat is there something up? You've been acting really strange lately." he says.

"No im um...I just dropped something behind the trash can!" i say brightly and he raises an eyebrow before shrugging and turning to go down the hall. I walk with him and he looks at his watch.

"Shiit...we'd better hurry we're gonna be late for Gym!" he says and we hurry down the hall. When we get there I see Clarissa just walking into the changing room.

Joey goes to the guys locker room and I go and peek into our changing room. i see Clarissa turned the other way so I sprint to my locker, grab my close, and hurtle into a stall before she can see me. I change out of Joey's jersey and put it in my locker making sure nobody can see it though the little holes in the locker door.

I walk back out onto the gym floor and see that Im one of the last ones. I see that Joey is talking to Brian with Clarissa right behind him with her friends so I go to my old spot, away from everyone else. She glances at me and seems satisfied that Im nowhere near Joey and goes back to talking.

Coach Walsh walks in and says that today we're playing Volleyball...oh no.

He splits the teams and we go out on the court. Im on Joey, Brian, Tiffany, Cam, and Nicole's team. Clarissa and the rest were on the other. I was put as front middle and Clarissa was the same on the other side. She glares at me through the net then the first serve comes. Im doomed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2012 ⏰

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