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"Step into the circle."

Terrified, petrified. He knows the creature can hear it, he can hear his heart's rapid beating pace. The way it jerks and pounds deafening. He cannot breathe nary a sole breath, intuition whispers of the devious plan. He has no choice.

"We will now commence the contract of the sacrificial lamb."

Sacrificial lamb. The two words echo endlessly and helplessly through his entire state of being. There is no one who can help. He is a sacrifice. Always given the worst fate. He is a month of satisfaction until he is to be devoured whole.

Chanting, whispering. And yet it's deafening.

A death march, the band plays solemnly as all look onwards with baited breath and dead eyes. It is to protect their village and his mother, he will do it for her and not the ones who ridiculed them since his unfortunate birth.

"Blood oath will be performed."

Despite the hope it implies he is scared, scared, scared. It hurts. The blood that runs down his arm as the thing approaches. Despite it's hideous reputation it is indeed beautiful and he almost forgets his pain. Almost. It is but a momentary calm.

It bares it's fangs and he, Tsunayoshi of Monster Tamer descent, the living sacrifice for his small Japanese village, feels tears prick at his eyes. He is not supposed to be this way. He should be honored, courageous. And yet as the monster pulls up the sleeve of his yukata he suppresses a scream.

Won't someone help? Won't someone suffocate the fear that bubbles up in his throat?

Fangs sink in and tears spill down his rapidly paling face. It is too late.

All the training, all the preparation for this day. He wasted it in a single minute. Because he is a coward who is not at all honored. Why could it not be someone braver?

He barely notes the ceremonial cleansing of his wound, a taste so bitter settles inside his mouth. Bile. The tears have stopped and he can see it wipe it's mouth. Or perhaps it is a he. As most of the village refer to him as a he. But do vampires have genders? He knows not.

They are both clad in yukata. His blacker than a midnight sky and Tsuna knows his own is a bright blue. He knows he symbolizes hope for the village but he also knows he will fail them all.

He is a meal. A month's supply of blood. He is tempted to laugh but he is too afraid.

Not once has the vampire spoken to him. Not once has he at all. And neither has himself. It is customary not to speak until you were taken. Because yesterday he has spoken his last to the members. From this day on he is dead.

His mother's heart is broken. He is ashamed. Why must he be chosen.

He remembers enough. The bow is customary and as is when he turns to smile at the villagers showing he is accepting of his fate. He is not.

And the worst part had come. After he is forced to smile at the unforgiving people comes the rose. He knows not how the make it the pitch black hue or why it's petals are wispy instead of rounded. But he knows the second the dreaded vampire Hibarin places it in his hands. It will be completed. And so will his eternal damnation.

His heart is near imploding he can tell as he extends his arm down slowly. Pale skin and long sharp nails. It is slow motion for Tsunayoshi.

The flower drops into his palm.

Applause harsh on his ears.

Swept up by Hibarin.

He is gone from the village when he comes to. A red mark splayed across his wet cheek. They are standing near a dark falls with a dreary sky that hangs overhead. He shivers from the chill. One hand holding his cheek and frightened eyes waiting for an explanation.

"Speak when you are being spoken to, herbivore."

Tsunayoshi trembles. "My apologies."

This answer seems to satisfy Hibarin. For now. "What are your talents?"

He rubs his suddenly tired eyes, he might sleep if not for fear. "I have none."

He watches Hibarin's eyes flash from dull to enraged. "Who do you take me for? You must have some sort of ability if they made you the bearer of the contract." And to which Tsunayoshi shakes his head slowly. There are none. He does not know the reason himself.

"I see." Tsunayoshi is yanked to his feet in that moment. "No matter. There are other uses."

Other uses? He stumbles along in his wooden geta. Hearing the clack of his contractor's own. The sky blue yukata that was so pretty days ago now looks dull. He wonders as to where they are going. The geta he wears hurt, straps cutting into the soft skin of his foot. The wooden heel smacking against the back of his foot in a painful manner.

Abruptly they come to a halt and Tsunayoshi gazes onwards in frightful awe. It is a mansion. It is the most enormous establishment he has ever seen in his life with dozens upon dozens of windows and possibly more so rooms.

Panic strikes and he forces it down. To be here with a vampire and forcibly be giving his blood in a feed. Flames flicker to life inside him but snuff themselves two seconds later.

Hibarin senses them for a brief second and sparing Tsunayoshi a glance he turns back towards the dark mansion. His residence.


Tsunayoshi responds to the pulls and hesitantly clamors along behind.
Welcome to the rewrite of the series A Gorey Demise! As you can see it's significantly darker and plotted out. I hope you will enjoy the new twists and turns. I am reading up on Japanese monsters and village traditions so if I happen to have made any mistake please let me know!

As always I look forward to your thoughts!

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