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I can hear your sharp breaths. You're not very good at hiding.

Listless. He lays on the edge of the window seat, quietly tracing black constellations with one shaking finger. Something bothers him profusely for whatever reason or matter it may be. A nagging feeling in his mind that he has forgotten something so awfully important.

But what it is he knows not.

Just wait you can't hide from me.

Perhaps he will know at a later date. For now it is his second day to bear contract and he has yet to perform the duties. After a fitful sleep and unable to rest he decides at exactly six 'o'clock he will venture downstairs and perhaps ask tetsuya-san what is to be done.

He knows this is a temporary hospitality and some day soon he will either be devoured in one quick session or discarded to the wilderness shortly after the time has expired. Neither to which he is fond of. But that was what would happen.

He is deceased to the world.

Tsunayoshi keeps this solely in mind as he quietly tiptoes down the stairs, careful to stay on his battered toes. The slippers perfectly muffling his trodden footsteps. He had been given a wonderful assortment of clothes that no longer fit Hibarin. He has never worn such detailed things in all his life.

He makes up his mind never to tell them about his village clothes in which are still hidden in his room back at the village itself. Beneath the floor lest he ever return for any reason at all.

Pulling at the crisp sleeves of his pressed white shirt that was indeed formal, he glances nervously at the steadily ticking grandfather clock. It is six o'clock exactly and he is hoping to meet Tetsuya-san. If there is anything he can do for he cannot let himself become spoilt no matter how much he may desire it.

And he wishes he would for these last of his days. But if there is to be even a glimmer of survival he will not become entirely dependant. He knows where his duty and his duty to himself lies.

Voices. They are hushed for the early morning and he hopes it is Tetsuya.

"Spoilt." He has taken nary a step in the direction when his path is blocked by the skilled pianist from yesterday. It is morning and he was certain it was an afternoon arrival was it not?

"Good day, sir." The pianist bristles. Something akin to hate in his eyes. Tsunayoshi attempts to make light of it. After all they do not know each other so how could he come to hate him so?

"The likes of you, who has no sense of responsibility, should not address me so happily." He sniffs almost disgusted of the sight of the small boy who would be yet another failure.

"That is correct....." He does not expect the boy to agree so readily, disappointing him further. "But I'm sure even one such as yourself understands fear of the unknown."

And Tsunayoshi excuses himself leaving the pretty pianist with his mouth slightly agape.

Tetsuya stifles a laugh, stepping from the hall entrance. "I have the delightful feeling we haven't even seen his true identity yet. Wouldn't you agree, Gokudera?"

Gokudera scowls, muttering a curse or two as he swipes his sheet music off the piano. "We'll see. I haven't seen anything favorable yet."

And the older man only hums in response.
Mukuro has once again returned today for a visit. His interest a bit piqued. Not to mention Chrome wanted to play with the lamb today. She had excitedly gathered her Temari of a deep burgundy and golden designs. Mesmerizing to the eye when tossed about.

After all the lamb is only sixteen and she supposes that is still a grand age to play with her favorite item.

"Will he like such a thing?" Chrome is uncertain, Mukuro fondly pats her head.

"Naturally. How could one not love such a handsome toy as yours."

Chrome beams.

And Tsunayoshi, when presented the Temari excitedly, can only stare at the children's toy in confusion. "Ah?"

"Do you want to play with me?" Chrome asks all too eagerly and he feels caught. He glances at Tetsuya with apprehension. Is he at all permitted? Tetsuya nods in a permissible manner. And the lamb.... his face lights up with a large smile.

"Yes." He replies and Chrome gasps in delight. Instead of grasping his hand as she knows that is not permitted, she points to the hall.

He nods and they begin their merry parade to the yard where they are to toss the thread ball.

Attention caught by the laughter outside Hibarin is drawn towards the window. The two, Rokudo's subordinate and his own contract bound partner are playing a pointless game of toss and grinning as a foolish herbivore does.

He is not bothered. More perturbed by the fact that they find something so odd enjoyable.

But oh. Chrome has briefly forgotten the unbreakable rule. The one in which she must not touch the sacrifice lest she taint it with her darkness that festers inside. The one in which she treads, dismissing the rules of Hibarin property.

She holds Tsunayoshi in a familiar embrace, a hug. Overcome with glee, flinging her arms around the equally small boy.

And Hibarin who does not take such things lightly. Who is a firm enforcer of rules with no warnings, morphs his face into a scowl. Tsunayoshi is weak and pathetic but due to the contract he belongs to him. And only him.

If only Tetsuya had been standing in his presence instead of off to find the field berries for Tsunayoshi's favorite dessert. So he had discovered accidentally last evening. Surely he could have interfered. But he was not.

Tsunayoshi cries out as Chrome is flung to the ground frightfully. Hibarin towering over and hissing a simple. "I warned you."

Chrome who has become a living faucet due to tears attempts to apologize and Tsunayoshi drawn by sheer urge, jumps between the two. A determined look on his face.

"It was but an accident! Please cease!"

A resounding slap stuns him into silence. Holding to his red, swelling cheek he feels a painful grip on his wrist. Nails digging in soft skin as he is dragged apart.

The Temari forgotten from where it lay part way beneath the bushes with reddish gold leaves.

Tsunayoshi cries out as he is yanked forward, stumbling to the point of nearly tripping. And Hibarin snarls dragging him along forward towards the mansion he had momentarily come from.

"Do not try and command me!"
I had forgotten commentary but yes. Poor Chrome and I cannot believe Mukuro was not present because this is going to be harder in the long run

Enma update: Still none

Also I appreciate the feedback I have so far! Thank you for reading!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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