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It is a dim and dusky interior, he cringes at what this entitled. Though not a hint of dust, everything is neatly arranged and cleaned. He wonders if that is something Hibarin does. He lets out a small cry as he steps the wrong angle and twists his foot slightly. It is already scraped, sore and bleeding. Hibarin pays him no mind.

"Kusakabe!" He barks, startling his new livestock. For heaven's sake why was he so skittish.

From around the corner of the nearest hall emerges a frighteningly tall man. His hair, the odd yazuka fashion it is, is covered with black feathers. They look belonging to a crow or several. Tsunayoshi's suspicions are confirmed when he is revealed entirely. A black set of crow wings resting on his back. A Karasu-Tengu.

He shivers in the presence of these two powerful monsters. But yet it is an odd combination, the Vampire and the Tengu. He doesn't dwell on it too long for he is suddenly pushed towards the Tengu in a rough manner. Stumbling his feet give way under their pain and he falls to the floor.

"See to it that he finds his room." Says Hibarin as he turns his back and steps to leave. "I entrust him with you."

Tsunayoshi is nothing more than a trembling mass of fear on the floor. Petrified by the sudden violence although it is a normal occurrence with this vampire. Kusakabe can't help but to take pity on him. What with the nasty cut on his arm and the way he looks as if he is about to go insane.

So he hunches down, to a level that and distance that is both safe and reassuring. "I apologize, he often is such." He watches with almost sadness as swollen eyes dart with immense fear to look at his outstretched hand.

He is nothing like the past humans who have taken to the contract. Most of them were resilient yet obedient women who knew their duty. But this boy before him is so fragile. So weak.

He stirs from his thoughts at the feeling of clammy skin that touches his own. A small boney hand tucked inside his own large one. He stands slowly, helping the boy stand with him. His poor feet. Kusakabe can only imagine what he feels.

"I am Kusakabe Tetsuya. Please come along with me." He watches him nod and with a breadth of a whisper catches the name


A small smile comes to his face. "What a beautiful name."

Tsunayoshi flushes a bit pink which looks terribly bright in comparison to his pale face. And the thought suddenly strikes at him with a powerful urge so strong he cannot help but ask the small boy.

"Could you perhaps be an Onmyoji?"

And Tsunayoshi looks struck with panic. "I-I do not know.... I have never known." He is indeed of Monster Tamer decent but Onmyoji? He thinks not. After all he might have known if he had divine powers. One would have to be a practitioner of such things.

Kusakabe nods slowly. So he does not know for sure, that makes him a bit uneasy but he will continue. "Shall we continue? After you are settled I will give you an introduction of the mansion and all it's workings. You needn't enter Hibarin-san's office however, he is not too appreciative of visits there."

"I-I see.....yes please....I would very much like it. Kusakabe-san...." Tsunayoshi mumbles looking down with embarrassment. Such weakness is dishonorable but he is not back at the village and he cannot help his fright.

He is cute. Timid. Kusakabe is filled with warmth at the polite way of addressment. "Please, call me Tetsuya."

Tsunayoshi once again flushes red. "Oh no! I couldn't possibly-"

"It's alright if you keep an honorific. We are friends now." Kusakabe, now to be known as Tetsuya-san, smiles invitingly.

And the poor lamb blushes once again and with a quiet mumble responds with "I've only had one friend in my lifetime."

"Well then I shall be the second!" Declares Tetsuya happily, helping him along. He swings the door open to a wonderful room. It is absolutely gorgeous Tsunayoshi decides. Nothing like he has ever seen or had before.

Wondrously he touches a fine silken pillow, but only the edge as of it may not be permitted to touch. "Am I....allowed?"

Tetsuya looks over at him, puzzled. "Of course. What is the use of a bedroom in which you cannot touch? Nonsense it is not merely to gaze upon, it is for you to reside in. Hibarin-san had me prepare it especially for you."

Tears gather in his eyes as he lovingly touches the soft bedsheet for him. It is for him. He has been given a comfort amidst all of this. And the window seat. How lovely it looks with it's cream cushioning and black embroidery of stars in the skies.

And the books. He is not particularly fond of reading for hours on end but these will be a wonderful distraction. He is now finding the tiniest light in the lonesome days to come. He wishes so badly his childhood friend could see all of these. Could see the splendor of the room he is to reside.

But that is nothing now. He is not there now.

"Thank you."

At the sight of his smile Tetsuya smiles as well, brushing a feather from his dark hair to which falls to the floor. They are so pretty Tsunayoshi cannot help but scoop one up. To examine it's charm.

"They're very lovely." And Tetsuya feels a bit proud to hear such praise.

"Why thank you." He extends an open hand to Tsunayoshi who gratefully accepts. "Shall we continue?"

"Yes please." Comes the reply as tears are brushed away and a large smile in place of fear. It is not to be too overbearing he hopes because there is Tetsuya-san and these comforts for him.

And though the days to come will make him impossibly ill there is at least a glimmer of goodness within it.

He walks with bare feet across the wood floor. And suddenly, in a harsh flurry finds himself stumbling down the steps. Why are they running? Where are they going?

Tetsuya-san's face is unbelievably tense. Tsunayoshi is filled with fear. What is happening?
Here is the second as of I really adore this sort of theme! A Karasu-Tengu is a crow demon and an Onmyoji is a person who practices in divine magic or has powers as Yokai do. In case you were curious. I really love the idea of Tetsu being a crow demon a lot as you may see.

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