Chapter One

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This summer will be different for Sana and she kept thinking about it while she packed her bags for her "last" vacation before she enters the next phase in her life: college. She always felt giddy and excited while packing but this time she kept on chanting that everything will be okay and that nothing will change her mind on attending college. She already has set her mind in studying at Kyunghee University, one of the most prestigious universities in the Korean peninsula.

For three months, she will have enough time to think about what she really wants to do: if she really wants to pursue college or if she will stay in Osaka and inherit her mother's side's family business. Sana has never once thought of being the heir to their business until her mother suggested it during dinner after her college entrance exam. She may have liked being with her grandma and helping out her aunt in the shop but taking over the business has never been in her life plan.

Different thoughts on how to not disappoint her parents with her decision bombarded her head then her mind drifted back to that night and she kept repeating how casually her parents told her about it.



"How was the entrance exam, Sana?" her mom asked in Japanese.

"It was okay," Sana nodded while thinking about the exam. "There were some questions that were a bit hard but I hope they won't affect my score for Kyunghee University's qualifications..." she said as she ate some steamed dumplings.

"Have you ever thought of having alternative universities you can apply to?" her mom put some of the dried Pollack in her father's food bowl.

"I also applied to Ehwa Women's University," Sana answered her mother while only looking at her food and eating slowly.

"Oh... Is that so? But what do you think of staying in Osaka with your grandmother and managing her tea business?" With that question, Sana froze in her seat and tried to gulp what's in her mouth.

"Grandma's business?" she looked up at her mother.

Her mom just nodded and said, "Your aunt will be away for a few months and she asked if you can watch over the shop for her. And your grandma is also looking for a new owner."

Her father then said, "We will give you allowance for three months until vacation is over. So if you don't like watching over the shop before then, you can easily go home."

Sana pondered on with the words her parents said. "If I won't take over the shop, I can go to college?" She hoped that her parents wouldn't say that they won't give her a chance to go to college.

"We will allow you to still go to college. That is it might be in Osaka," her father answered her question while smiling a sad smile. "Your grandma needs some company though it's been three years since father-in-law passed away..."

Remembering her grandfather tugged at her heart since he was the one that took her around their town in Osaka. If I go to college in Osaka, I'll still look after the shop, right? Sana thought to herself when she scooped some rice to her mouth. "I don't have to decide now, right?" she looked hopeful at her parents, who only nodded at her. "Okay. I'll decide after vacation."


Looking at the suitcases Sana packed her things in for three months were haunting as they are just there at her bed's footboard making everything seem more real than when she was just booking her flight for Japan. Her parents told her that her aunt will be the one waiting for her at the airport. Without further thoughts, Sana looked at her phone's clock and decided to prepare for sleep for her flight the next day.

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