Chapter 2- She's leaving

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Ryan's Point of View-

As I was banging my head against the Gym wall, after reading my girlfriend's note. A couple minutes had passed til I cam to realization and realized, she was still within the county. At that moment, I saw a figure cross the halls and a glimpse of light dirt Blonde hair like Kayla's. I knew it couldn't have been a teacher because, classes were still inseccion. Soon enough, I got up and limped my way down a few stairs to the entrance of the Gym doors. And from there, to the doors the feminine figure exited.

As I made my way to edge of the side walk, by the parking lot, I saw a figure making it's way to a Blue Chevy Pick-up Truck. All I could think was, it's got to be Kayla. So, without thinking, I called out to her. She turned her head in my direction. I saw her. I saw my girl. I saw Kayla. That's all I could think. She then, turned her head back in the direction she was walking toward with the exception of, picking up her pace. And so did I.

Eventually, I started to painfully run toward Kayla but, I was to late. She was gone. I yelled her name once more but, of course she couldn't hear me because, she was already in her truck and leaving the school grounds. No, this is not the end, I thought to myself. She still has work tonight. This is her last night. And might be the last time I'll ever get to see my Baby Girl.

I suddenly, decided to call my mother. After a few rings, she picks up.

"Mom! I need to skip school today," I said and didn't give her a chance to say, hello,

"Hello my son, why do you need to skip?" She asks,

"I need to find Kayla," I said with urgency in my voice,

"Why? Where is she? What happened?" She sounded panicked,

"She's leaving. I need to stop her," I choked out my last sentence and tried to keep myself calm,

"I'll come by and pick you up in a few."

After our conversation, I pleaded, please let this not be too late. Please.

My Story- Book 1: High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now