Chapter 7

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You have been staying with Dan and Phil for 4 days, in 3 days you are meant to be boarding a plane to Scotland.
"(Y/N)" you hear faintly through your foggy head, heavy with sleep.
"Mmm?" You mumble, trying to find the energy to open your eyes but being unsuccessful.
"(Y/N) Wake up!" Your eyes open slowly to see Phil juggling three mugs. You take one of the mugs from him and place it on the footstool next to you. (Not a pouf, sorry I'm not British if you haven't established that already, sorry for my extremely Australian vocab) "What is it?" you ask Phil who is now carefully putting one of the mugs next to yours and drinking from his own. "Dan is grabbing his laptop, you should see this," You nod and grab the mug.
"I thought you guys slept in? Especially Dan?" You ask, sipping the near perfectly brewed tea.
"Not when we have guests, plus, it might be good for Dan to wake up every once in a while," Dan emerges with his laptop, hair wavy and face clearly sleep deprived. "Oh wow," you laugh.
"What?" Dan asks, putting his laptop on the coffee table.
"Your hair," Dan sighs and tries to straighten his fringe with his fingers. "Don't it kinda works!" You tell him honestly. He sits beside you, pushing the doona closer to you so he has room. (Again, not duvet, I'm an Aussie sorry if its bugging you) "What did you want to show me?" You ask.
"So, the video already has around half a million views, we thought you might want to see some more of the comments," You smile gratefully but reply with,
"Why couldn't this wait until we were all actually awake?"
"It probably could have," Phil says laughing, "But it occurred to us that you are in a foreign city and haven't been exploring, so we are going to celebrate your first YouTube cameo by going out which means getting up early," You look at them blankly for a couple of seconds before breaking into a grin. "You know what?" You ask and they look at you expectantly, "I didn't expect you guys to be so nice in person," Dan clutches his chest, "Ouch. What did you think we were like?" You shrug,
"Sorry that came off a bit harsh, I meant it as a compliment." Dan laughs,
"I know." To make up for your last statement you tell them that your foot is feeling a ton better and you can probably go out without the crutches, even if it comes back to bite you later. "Hold on, where has Phil gone?" you ask Dan, realising he wasn't standing to your right anymore. You push of the couch and walk toward the sound of movement, Dan just behind, craning to see past you. You get to the kitchen and both gape at Phil who is paused, eyes wide, looking extremely guiltily at you with a handful of cereal just near his mouth. "Don't you dare, Phil no!" The high tone of Dan's voice tells you that he is doing that thing where he is unsure, joking and trying to be funny. His face however, betrays his annoyance. You watch in surprise as Phil shoves the cereal in his mouth and puts the box of cereal back with the others. "Phil you have to stop, eat your own cereal." Dan mutters, "I need to go back to hiding my cereal..." You chuckle and they seem to remember someone else is here. "You guys are exactly what everyone thinks... Does that mean Phan is real?" You ask, joking of course but curious to see their response. They both laugh and simultaneously say "No." You rock back on your heels, ignoring the pain, head tilted back, laughing. "Surprised it took you so long to ask tbh," Dan says.
"Dan no," You say.
"What?" he asks.
"Tbh," You and Phil say at the same time staring at Dan intesnley.
"Well that wasn't creepy at all," Dan says sarcastically. "And are we going to ignore the fact that me and Phil and you and Phil said something at the same time..."
"It's because I'm psychic," Phil announces.

You make toast as Dan pours cereal while complaining to Phil about how much lighter the box feels. You weave around each other, marvelling at how natural you feel. Making breakfast with Dan and Phil as if you'd followed this same routine for years. You never want this moment to end.

Does it bug anyone else that for such an alliterate guy, Dan says Me and Phil a lot? Just me? Ok. Anyway guys, I know not much happened but I'm saving it for next chapter and I want your help. The last time I was in London I was 2 and it's fair to say I don't remember much. Can anyone who is British or has been to London recently suggest places for them to go?
Thanks everyone, hope you enjoyed!
- Chesh

And I'm sorry its short, school is busy but I wanted to publish something for you guys!

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