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Ding~~~ Dong~~~~♪♪♪
#The end of the scholl's bell is rang.

I quickly put my stuff into my bag.

"Kei ah! Lets go to my house? I want to shows you my new clothes and I want to give it to you~! My omma also want to see you! Kajja?~"
Said Nayeon cheerfully to me.

"I'm so sorry Nayeon ah! But I had to go back home! Sorry~~!"
I quickly go out from my class.

Oh my... I'm gonna late!
Its already 6:30 Pm! I had to be at home by 7 Pm for prepared the dinner! Tsk....!!!!

I just run and look beside me.
Unexpectly my leg stop from running. I look into this huge Dandelion Field.

When I saw this Dandelion Field....that memories... its keep playing in my mind...

"Kei ah~~~ Where are you?
Did you already gone home?
Kei ah~!"
Called a boy who was searching someone in a beautiful plus huge Dandelion Field.

I goes to him slowly and...

I screamed and hold his shoulder and that makes him sit down and covered his head in fear.

"Omma!!! Kei ah!!! Hik..."
He start to cried.

"Aiguu... Jiminie~! You such a crybaby! Hahahah!." I laugh at his action.

"Hik...hik..." he just continue to cried.

Ermmm... did I did too much???

"Jimin ah~~~ Mianhaeyo~~~><"
I apologize.

"Huh! I hate you!" He just wipe his tears and looked away.

"Jiminie~~~ Forgive me okay???"
I start to makes a cute voice and do some aegyo.

"Okay okay... fine! I'll forgive you! But do not do that to jiminie again okay??? Promise???. Dont leave me alone!." He hold his pinky finger.

"Okay~! I Promise!." I held his pinky finger.

Then the both of us smile proudly to each other.

"Kei ah..." He called me after the both of us laying down at the dandelion field.


"Do you like your Adopted family?"

That question makes me stuttered.

"Hmmm Yeah??? Maybe..."
I put a smile on my lips.

"Did you had read that 'CINDERELLA's Book?" He ask me another question.

"Yeah! I love it! That Cinderella is so lucky! She had find his prince charming! I also want to find my prince! Haha." I chuckeld.

"Dont worry~ I will be your Prince Charming! And I wont leave you alone!." He said while looking to me proudly.

"Okay! I'll let you to be my Prince Charming! Promise me okay that you will be my Prince and will not leave me?."
I ask him while show him my pinky finger's.

"Nae~~~ I promise!." He smile and held my pinky promise.

That was the second time we had the promise....

But now... you leave me alone... how can you???

My tears starts to fall.

Even that promise was 10 years ago... I still hold the promise...
And also I hope that you wont forget about it Park Jimin...

I wipes my tears. I look at my watch. My eyes widen.

"Oh my...!!!" I'm shocked.

Its already 6:45 P.m.!!!!
Tsk!!!! Huhu... Wae!!!!

I continue to run to my home...

~Hye~~ I'm Back! This cheerfull Author is make a comeback haha! >\\\< I hope that all my Lovely Readers can support me to continue this book~~~^^
I hope you'll forgive me for my broken or any typos that I had make huhu ×_×... Okay then...
Annyeong~~~?! Pyong~~~ (go away heh><)


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