H!ML! |♣02♣|

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★Jimin's P.O.V★

The breeze is still as the same... the same one like 10 years ago...

I pull out my luggage and goes out from the entrance of the airport.

"Yah! Grey haired guy!." I heard someone called me. Yeah... there's nobody's hear had a grey hair except for me.

I'm searching for that voice and I saw a 6 guys that were very familiar.

"Eoh?! Hyung! Woah~~ guys!." I ran to them and we ended up with a group hug.

"Woah~~~ Our Jimin had become a tall guy huh?." Teased Taehyung, my twin.

"Well~ he's becoming a handsome guy too but of course he cant beat my handsomeness. Hahahahaha." Said Hoseok hyung and I just smiles.

"Woah~~ I really miss you guys!. Seriously!. By the way, where's omma and abeoji?."   I asked them.

"They had an work at another country, Malaysia. Did you forgotten about it?." Said Yoongi hyung and I scratching my neck.

"Ah... I forgot about it."  I smirk.

"Hyung lets go to any fastfood restaurant, I'm hungry." Said Jungkook and my stomach also growling.

"Me too."  Said Namjoon hyung and all of us staring at Seokjin hyung.

"Okay fine... I will treat all of you as Jimin had come back from his academy." As Seokjin hyung said that, we cheering joyfully.

"But I want to taste at your coffee shop Namjoon hyung.... I want to tries your special smoothies." I said to Namjoon hyung as he's had a cafe.

"Yeah lets just go to your cafe Namjoon ah! Its also will save my money." Said Seokjin hyung.

"What about we goes to Namjoon hyung's cafe first and then goes to a fast food restourant near his cafe?. So SeokJin hyung~ you cant escape from treating us~~~"  Said Taehyung as he smirk evilly to Seokjin hyung.

"Okay fine...... you guys just love to used my money." Sighed Seokjin hyung we just laugh.

"Lets go." He's lead us to his car and all of us goes inside it after putting my luggage.
As all of us had a chats, we doesn't regonize when we already arrived at the cafe.
All of us goes out from the car.

"Woah~~~ what a nice and huge cafe Namjoon Hyung...." I stunned as I saw the cafe.

"Well~ its Namjoon's cafe okay??." Said Namjoon hyung as he unlock the door and put the sign closed. Since today he told me that he's closed the cafe for the whole day.

"Wait for a minutes... I'll prepares the ice for the smoothies. So what do you want?. A cheap one okay???." He's smirk.
"Nah... just kidding. Just ordered what kind of drink you want, its free."

We take a seat and read the menu.

"Caramel macchiato!.~~~" Said Hoseok hyung.
"Vanilla smoothies." Said Taehyung.
"Americano." Said Seokjin hyung.
"Chocolate ice shaved. Hehe." Said Jungkook as he's smiles happily.
"Mint white coffee.... the cold one." Said Yoongi hyung.

"Okay so Jimin ah?. What do you want?." He asked me and I read the menu again.

"Ermm... Rainbow special smothies I think? Yeah I want that^^" I smiles and he just nodded.

"Uwaaah~~~ its been 10 years we didnt seen each other right? Well even we had a video call everyday but today is diffrent. Its like a dream hahah" I laugh. And they just smiles.

"So Jimin ah… starts from tomorrow, you will starts to studies at Seiryou Academy. The same one with your brother, Taehyung and Jungkook."

"Okay. Btw, there's a pizza shop  beside this cafe right?. What about we buys it first and eat it here?." I asked them and Jungkook quickly raised up his head.

"Yup! That's a good idea hyung! Lets go!."Said Jungkook and stand up.

I guess that he's very hungry huh?.

I just smiles and exited the cafe's with him.

"Wait Jimin ah! Here... " Said Namjoon hyung as he gave me a card.

"What is it hyung?. A card???." I take it.

"Yeah just show it to the worker's at there. And they'll give you discount." Said him and I nodded.

We both goes to the pizza shop and goes inside it.

"Welcome~ " the worker's greeting us. I goes to the counter.

"Annyeonghaseyo~ what kind of pizza do you want to order?." Ask a girl as she bowed a bit and after she raised her face, I stunned.

Eoh??? This girl... I thought that I had seen her before. But where?...

I stare at her and she just smile.

"Yah Hyung. Palli.... Kei noona are waiting for you." Said Jungkook.

"Ah... I want this and this. A regular one. Also Jungkook ah do you want to add something?." I point on the menu and look at him.

"Nothing. So our order is just that Kei noona.^^"  he smiles to her.

"It'll take a few minutes so please have a seat..." said her politely.

We both just nodded and take a seat a bench for the costumer who's were waiting. There's no one here as a costumer except us. So the atmosphere kind of silent.
So we both just took out our phone and starts to plays with it.

"Ah hyung. I had to go to the toilet at the cafe first. Sorry!." He quickly exited the shop.

"Ermmm Mister sshi... Here your pizza." Called the worker. I go to her and pays for it also showing her the card.
She just take it and typing something on the keyboard and its done.

"Here your card. By the way so you're Namjoon oppa's brother?." She asking me and gave the card.

"Yes. My name is Park Jimin." I smiles and introduce my name.

She looks shocked a bit.

"Ah... my name is Kim Jiyeon. Nice to meet you^^. I hope you'll enjoy eating the pizza." she bowed a bit.

"Thanks." I smiles a bit and go back to the cafe. I can saw the other were enjoying their drink and had a chat.

"Hey~! All of you didnt waited for me?!." I acted like shocked.

"Haha sorry Jimin ah. Here your drink." Said Namjoon hyung and gave me the smoothie.

I gave them the pizza and we started to eat it.

"By the way Jungkook ah... do you know her?" I asked.

"Who?." Ask him and all of them looking at me.

"I mean that workers. That Kim Jiyeon. The one that you called her Kei just now."

"Jimin ah... do you already forget about her?." Ask Seokjin hyung in shock.

"Huh???? Did I even know her????." I ask them and they just looking each other.

"Nope. Nothing." Said SeokJin hyung and he continues to chat with them.

That's weird....

I just staring at them. They know something right?. They seems so suspicious... but why????.

~annyeong~~~ I hope you enjoyed this story~~~ wait for the next chapter okay? Bye bye~~~! Btw thank you so much for who read this and wait(?) huwaah i miss you guys readers-sshi😭 So i hope that you can still support me~ Saranghaeyong~><

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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