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"Oh my gosh.... seriously dongsaengie.." I stunned when I'm opened my house's door.

Even this house or should I called it this mansion is big enough but how this house can be so dirty like this? So many sweet candy everywhere and clothes are everywhere.

"Ah! Kei unnie~~~ " Said Yein who's appeared from her rooms and hugged me.

"Yein ah... where's the rest?." I asked her.

"All of them had gone to their works place! Unnie~ I'm hungry~>< can you cooked something for me???." She pouted and pull me towards the kitchen.

Okay I'm ready for the next suprise.
Tadaaah~~~ here the rubbish everywhere with flour and eggs at the floor.

"Heol..... where's Sujeong? She did this again?."

"There she is! Kei unnie scolds her for me please!." Yein hides behind me and pointed at Sujeong who's just get out from the washroom.

"Erk... unnie hehe." Sujeong just stratching her neck.

"Come on... who's this mess for?.what you want to cook? Or bake maybe??"

Yeah... since the floor had covered with flour and eggs..

"Ermmm Taehyung oppa...." she looked down.

"Kei unnie! Glad that you had come home! If you're not, I think that this house will exploded tho!." Said Yein.

"Shut up Yein ah... or I will beat you!." Said Sujeong while gave Yein a death glare and that makes Yein hides behide me more.

"Okay Sujeong ah~ aren't you hungry? I'll making your dinner first and after that I'll help you bake the cakes okay?^^" I smiles to her and she jumped in joy.

"Really unnie?! Yeay! unnie saraghaeyo!!!" She hugged me.

I just smiles and start to cooked the dinner.

"Kei unnie let me help you~" Said Sujeong and took a knife.

"Heok! Kei unnie dont let her do it! She'll ruined the kitchen!." Said Yein and run away.

"What?! Yah Yein ah! How could you?! ><" Sujeong quickly put back the knife and run to catch Yein and the both of them play cheerfully.

"Aigu... what I had to do with these two girl. " I'm just chuckeld. After a few minutes, I heard someone opened the door.

"I'm home~~~~~! " Said Mijoo unnie also with Jisoo.

"I'm home too~~~ Kei unnie~ what're you cooking right now?." Asked myungEun as she put down her bag.

"Done with your clubs?." I asked her who's taking a slice of bibimbap and put into her mouth.

"Nae~ it was so tiring!. " She's scoffed as she's talking with a mouth full of food.

"Aiguu Myung eun ah here." I quickly take a glass of water and gave it to her.

"Uhuk uhuk!." She's drink the water and leave a sighed.
"Ah... that's better." She's smiling and thanked me.

"Goes to your room and get a shower okay? I'll finished this and all of us can eat the dinner." I smiles and she just obeyed it and goes to her room.

Okay two is done... so the next one.... 3...2...1...

"Mijoo ah! Let me take a shower first!" Mocked Jisoo unnie.

"No! Me first!!!." Mijoo unnie pushed Jisoo unnie to ther side.

I quickly goes to them and stood between them.

"Jisoo unnie ~ you can took a shower in my washroom inside my rooms. Okay???." I look at them.

"Nae.... thanks Kei ah~... Mijoo you greedy!." She's hugs me and stick her tongue out to Mijoo.

"Yah Jisoo!." She want to hit Jisoo but I quickly pull her and push her inside the washroom.
"Take a nice shower okay Unnie?~~~~" I closed the door but I can hear she's mumbled.

Okay... three task is done.

"We're home~~~~" I heard Soojung unnie's voice.

"Kei ah~~~ I've got a cake for us~" Said Jiae unnie.

"Uwaaah~~~! Cake-ie!!!!." Squals Yein and Sujeong who apporaching her.

"Okay... I can smell a burnt cake... Sujeong ah, did you... bake another cake again??!." Asked Soojung unnie to Sujeong.

"Hehe... mianhae Soojung unnie... I forgot that promise." She smirk.

"Okay then~ even Sujeongie makes it burnt, we had another cakes right?." Said Jiae unnie and shows the cakes.

"Let me took it to the table." I said that and take the cakes from Jiae unnie's hand.

"Thanks Kei ah. I'll take a shower first." Sais Jiae unnie and she's going to her room with Soojung unnie.

"Unnie~let me helping you to prepares the dinner okay?." Asked Yein and I just nodded.

"I want to help too!." Said Sujeong and we going to kitchen.

"Yein ah can you please took this to dining table can you?." I gave her the plates.

"Nae~~~" she take it and put in on the dining table and after a few minutes the table are full with the food.

"Woah~~~~~ They looks very delicious!." Said Mijoo unnie and she took a seat also with the other unnies.

"Thanks for the food~" after all of them sit, we starts to eating.

"Uwaah~~~ So delicious! You're a great cooker Kei unnie~!" Said MyungEun.

"Haha really? Then eat more okay?." I put the kimchi in her spoon and she's eating it happily.

"Hey! I took it first!." Said Mijoo unnie as she's giving a glares to Jisoo unnie.

"My chopstick reached it first!." said Jisoo unnie and they starts to bickering again.

"Can the both of you please stop it?." Ask Soojung unnie.

"Nae....." they shut up and continues to eating.

"So then~ its mine." Said MyungEun and she taking the last piece of omelet that was Mijoo and Jisoo's unnie bickering about.

"What? Yah MyungEun ah~~~!><"

"My omelet...." said Mijoo unnie as she's making a sad face.

"Hehe its mine then and I already eat it." She just smiles and they both just making a sad face and we all laugh.

Well then, this is my life... its not that bad.... I love my unnies and dongsaeng as they treat me like their own family. Ah... my parents? I mean my adopted parents? They are going to Malaysia for their works. Well this is my life... and I love it very much!. I hope that the other day gonna be interesting!.~~~


~Annyeong Readers sshi~~~ I want to say happy new years! Since to me, its still 31/12 at my country. Annyeong~ enjoy this story even I know its terrible and boring... I'm so sorry...><

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