Chapter 4

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School. AKA: 8 hours of Hell. I walked into Stacy, Farrah, and I's first hour and gagged. A nasty smell came from the far counter. Dissection day. I hope my group knows that I'm not touching that...

"HALEY! OVER HERE!" Farrah was waving her hands wildly at our station. Stacy looked green next to her. I say my books down and looked at the bag full of dead specimen. "We're doing the earthworm first."

"Oh my god." Stacy put a hand on her mouth and turned away. Poor girl.

"Um... Stac?"

He looked at my expectantly, both her hands on either her mouth or stomach.

"You don't look so good. Gonna be alright?"

She nodded as the bell rang. The teacher started of cracking dumb jokes, that no one laughed to, before giving us instructions. Once he said we could start, Farrah jumped up and ran to get our kit and tray.

Stacy silent as Farrah made precise cuts along the worms belly. Farrah was pretty much doing everything and I was keeping an eye on Stacy. Suddenly, the teacher appeared, took one look at Stacy and said, "Farrah, why don't you let Haley take over?"

I shot him a glare and took the scalpel from Farrah. It all started off good, until a flap of skin flung worm juice into Farrah's mouth. It was the grossest thing ever. EVER. Farrah will probably never forgive me and I'm pretty sure Stacy was fighting the barf but otherwise it was all good.


Lunch finally rolled around an I was grateful for the escape. Kyla, Brie, Farrah, Stacy, Carter, and, our newest addition to the family, Alain, we all sitting at our circle table when I got there.


"What?" I asked in confusion. Everyone at the table said it in unison- with Brie being a little late.

Kyla smirked. "Mr. Hottie? Ya know, the jock who dragged you away at the park?"

"Yeah, I mean it's only Damien Turk, but whatever," Alain said with heavy sarcasm, grinning ear to ear.


"*cough* Sarcasm *cough*," Farrah said. she soon after erupted into a fit of giggles as realization dawned on Brianna. We all joined in, receiving glares from the hoebags sitting at the table beside ours.

When we were done I recounted my story, gaining many 'ooh's and a few 'uh oh's. Not long after I finished he tapped on my shoulder. I turned and glared at him. "How can I help you, Turk?"

"Well, I'd like to apologize to you... And all your friends." He gulped. "I'm sorry that I said that about you wen I don't know you. It was a dick move and I swear it won't happen again."

A chorus of forgiveness sounded around the table, but Carter continued to glare at Damien. That's probably what made him leave so quickly after getting my number from me.

"Oooooooooo!" Brie squealed for the second time today. "He totally likes you!"

"Yeah, likes the idea of sleeping with me. That's all he wants to do and you guys know it. Besides, I like someone else."

I was again greeted by my friends saying "spill" in unison. I was definitely hesitant to say, but I eventually let the words slip from my mouth. Everyone's jaws dropped.


CLIFFHANGER!!! Well, not really for those who know me, but anyway tell me what you think in the comments below and vote please!! Love you all;D


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