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"Daniel Howell." The Dean said his name almost with disgust.

"Yes ma'am." Dan replied casually, leaning back in his chair. Folding his arms behind his head.

"And Philip Howell?" I gave a curt nod, and tried to smile, it was weird having a new last name. I almost didn't respond at all.

"Welcome to St. Thomas. My name is Sheryl Kelsch, I am the Dean, as I'm sure you're aware. We are very happy to have you both here... Daniel sit up straight." She snapped her head to look him right in the eye.

Dan didn't even flinch, in fact he sunk even lower in the soft chair. "You see, that's not possible." he replied plainly, crossing his legs in front of him. I almost laughed out loud, but the look on the dean's face was terrifying.

"Would you like to clean the toilets this evening?" she asked confidently. Dan just shrugged his shoulders with a look that said "i don't give a flying fuck." She pursed her lips and looked at me, slightly more kindness in her eyes than when she looked at Dan. "Philip, you are free to go to your dorm. I'm going to need a word with your brother."

"I'd prefer to stay with him, actually." The words shocked me more than anyone. But Dan actually uncrossed his arms, and had them awkwardly hanging in the air as he looked at me.

"Excuse me?" The dean gave me a look that sent chills down my spine, but i stood my ground.

"Did I stutter?"

Dan lost it. If he had water in his mouth it would have been a full on spit take. He was trying hard to control his laughter, so much so that his face was beat red and tears were forming in his eyes. I tried my best to keep a straight face, but a small smile was forming.

"Both of you leave this office. Go to your dorm and don't come out until Sister Kim comes to get you."

"Is Sister Kim going to punish us, because we've been bad boys?" Dan said while opening the door for me. A mischievous smirk dancing on his lips.

"Get out." The dean pointed towards the door with her fingers pinching the bridge of her nose.


sorry this took so long. sorry it's bad. i love you guys, thank you for your support.

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