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Heyyoo guys! So this is the first official part to this book! Whoohoo! Sorry I've been so slow, I've had a limit on my time and some writer's block lately. 

So for every chapter I write, I'm actually going to put a picture of CielxSebby art that I've done. And if there is no more, I'll just do pictures that I think are funny. (But they are related to Black Butler, of coarse) 

So ya, that's really all I have to say for this author's note. This is a prologue (In case u missed the title) so it's not going to be very exciting, just kind of a little introduction to the story and what not. Again, very very boring. However, you must read it anyways! 

Alright, well have fun reading, and I should be updating again sometime next week! 


It was early morning at the Phantomhive manor, and the young Earl was still fast asleep in his room. The 3 servents of the household, Finny, Bard, and Mey-rin had only recently been awakened to start their morning duties. 

"Finny, clip the leaves from the trees, but use the small loppers. Bard, prepare the young master's breakfast, here's the recipe. Mey-rin, wash all the dishes and put them back in their places, but make sure to use that stool that's in the dining room." 

"Yes, Mr. Sebastian!!!" The servents practically yelled in unison, before running off excitedly to their given duties. 

"And do it all before the young master awakens!" Sebastian yelled after them, though no reply was heard. 

He took out his watch from his pocket and examined the current time. He still had 20 minutes before he was to wake up the young master. That was enough time for the servents to do their jobs, surely? 

The raven haired butler shook his head. 

He had made preperations so they were less likely to mess up, but of coarse he knew better. He thought it wise to check up on each of them, so that's just what he did. With only the 19 minutes he had remaining. 

"I'm sorry Mr. Sebastian, I tried cutting the leaves off this tree, but I accidentally cut down the tree!" Finny ranted when Sebastian had taken a step outside into the garden. 

Sebastian sighed. Damn Finny's super strength. 

It was a good thing that the Phantomhive manor wasn't expecting any guests today, though, usually lady Elizabeth came uninvited. They could never be unprepared. 

"It's fine, just go to the market and buy another tree." 

"Yes, ok!" Finny agreed, cheery once again. 

"Bard, does this recipe say anything about a flame thrower?" Sebastian asked, his voice edged with obvious annoyance. He had went into the kitchen and found it blown up into ashes. Again. 

"Well it was gonna take too long, so I made it faster. It's just a little burnt." Bard crossed his arms. 

Sebastian sighed, rubbing his hand through his hair momentarily. 

"Just clean this up, I'll take care of the young master's breakfast." 

Bard huffed, but didn't argue, and proceeded to clean up the kitchen as Sebastian had ordered. 

When Sebastian had finished, he looked at the time again. He now only had 6 minutes left. He prepared his master's tea and went to check on Mey-rin. 

Just as he entered, Mey-rin slipped off the stool she was standing on, and her body plumeted to the ground, dishes falling from her hands. 

Sebastian quickly caught all the dishes in his hands, leaving Mey-rin to fall at his feet. She quickly stood up, her face red as a tomato. 

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sebastian! I was putting away the dishes and-" 

"Yes, I know. Just put these remaining dishes where they belong and this time, be careful." Sebastian ordered. 

The raven haired butler checked his pocket watch again, this time with only 2 minutes. He rolled the young master's tea up to his room, and softly knocked on the door. 

"Young master?" 

No response. The young master wasn't awake yet. 

Sebastian slowly entered the young master's room, setting his eyes upon the young boy, still asleep in his bed. 

He smiled to himself, and then pushed the curtains to the side of the window, letting the sunshine fill the room and shine upon the young master's closed eyes. His eyes fluttered open, but then closed again, searching for more sleep that he desired. 

"Young master, it's time to wake up." Sebastian cooed. 

The young master rolled his body to the other side of the bed, so he was no longer facing his butler. 

Sebastian sighed. "Young master, you must wake up. Do you not think I'm tired as well? You required me to stay by your side last night until you slept, and you took a long while to do so." 

"Shut up." The young master mumbled into the sheets, before slowly sitting up and stretching. 

Sebastian introduced the young master's tea to him, and pulled off his nightgown while he drank. He then dressed him into the days attire. 

"Sebastian, are there any plans for today?" The young Earl asked as Sebastian buttoned his shirt. 

Sebastian looked at the ground and smirked to himself. 

"Why yes, my lord, there are." 

Saving You (Black Butler fanfic) boyxboy (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now