Fur and Feelings

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I slammed the drivers door of my Jeep shut, finally releasing the breath I had been holding since I jumped out of the vent. I rested my forehead on the steering wheel as I caught my breath. I had practically sprinted down the main hall to the doors, petrified that I was going to hear someone behind me. Not that any of my friends were crazy enough to try to drag me back to the room, but I wanted to avoid the conversation they were sure to want to have for as long as I could. I sat up and turned the car on, letting the cool air blow on my face for a second before starting to back out of my parking spot. Almost every car was gone so I whipped through the parking lot towards the entrance to the school. As I turned out I glanced back to see the front doors bang open and a very pissed off Damian come storming out.

Oops. I guess he thought I was going back for him, I snorted at the thought. Still it's probably better to stay away from the house for a little while. I turned off my normal road to school and took the old trail towards the woods that surrounded our town. Some people may enjoy the big cities with all the lights and people but I would choose the towering oak trees over skyscrapers any day.

I pulled into the clearing that had seen many a high school party in its day and parked. Luckily there was no one out here trying to hook up in their cars. Ah high school boys, they're so romantic sometimes. I walked in the trees and smiled as the familiar smells I had grown up with filled my senses. The sweet sap of the pine trees, the damp earth, the completely unique smell of untouched nature. This was home.

I found a tree with a low hanging branch and started to strip off my clothes. I glanced around one more time to make sure no one was around before taking off my underwear. I took a few steps as I felt my bones start to crack, falling to the ground as I let the waves roll through me. I grunted as I felt the fur push through my skin, my mouth begin to elongate into a muzzle, my ears move higher on my head and start to form points. I shook my fur and howled as I felt the trembles fade away, opening my eyes to a whole new world.

I leapt forward, feeling my paws pound into the ground and the wind whip through my fur. I dodged fallen trees and zigzagged through the underbrush, loving the feeling that I was the most powerful thing out here. I pushed my muscles, feeling the burn in my haunches, relishing in the smooth feeling of running. I followed a rabbit trail for a while before I gave up and headed towards the lake for a drink.

I lapped at the cool water, gazing at my reflection. Human green eyes looked back at me as I tilted my head. I loved watching my ears flop back and forth. It would have looked ridiculous to anyone who happened to walk by, a wolf tilting its head back and forth at its reflection and snorting at itself. I was so amused I almost missed the odd smell that passed by.

It was wolf, but not one I knew, and I knew every one in the pack. I followed the scent, feeling the familiar sensation of calm descend over me as the wolf hunting instincts took over. I followed the trail for a couple hundred feet before I came to another clearing. I saw two reddish wolves sniffing around at the ground, probably after a rabbit or a deer. I cocked my head, watching the intruders calmly hunt on land that wasn't theirs. Generally rogues were more cautious than these two. I snorted at their cockiness, knowing it was something that would get them killed. I turned to go when growls caught my attention.

Suddenly the peaceful scene was chaos, red fur blending with silver and brown as wolves from our pack attacked. I stayed behind a tree as I watched our three take on their two. It wasn't even close to fair, the rogues were underfed and weak compared to our protectors. The two brown ones quickly took down the smaller red, but the larger rogue was putting up a bigger fight with the silver wolf. I cocked my head again as I tried to figure out what was so familiar about the pack wolves.

I noticed one of the brown wolves had a patch of grey on his ear and my eyes widened. If that was Tyler, then the other brown one had to be Chase. But if that was Tyler and Chase then the silver one was...


Damian had the rogue pinned underneath him but he couldn't keep him pinned and he landed a hard kick to his stomach. I whimpered lowly as Damian was sent sprawling on his back. Chase jumped on the rogue but was quickly thrown off as he went back at Damian. He must sense the power rolling off him. I crept closer as the two continued to go at. Chase and Tyler were slowly circling around, ready to jump in if needed. I shook my head at Damian's insistence that he didn't need any help.

Suddenly the rogue gained the upper hand and landed a nasty bite to Damian's back leg that had him letting out a heart wrenching howl. I jumped forward, barking at the rogue, desperate to distract him from Damian. In his confusion at my appearance, he loosened his jaw and Damian shook him off. Chase and Tyler quickly abandoned their circling to come stand in front of me. I tried to push past them to get closer but their bigger bodies blocked me.

I watched in horror as Damian and the rogue snapped at each other, teeth and claws flying. Damian landed a lucky hit to his throat that had him on the ground just long enough for Damian to pounce. I shut my eyes as the sickening crunch of Damian closing his jaws on the rogue's neck rang through the clearing.

The only time I've ever heard the forest be silent is after a wolf fight. The other animals can sense that something bigger and angrier than them is lurking in the woods and they get the hell out of dodge. I opened my eyes as I felt someone nudge me. Silver fur greeted me instead of the brown I was expecting as Damian peered at me with his head tilted. I sighed as I looked him over, noting the blood matting the fur around his back leg. I whined, nudging him back and nosing at his back leg.

Before I realized it I licked at his wound, instinct taking over. I felt him freeze as I continued to try to clean him up. If I had been in human form my blush would have gone all the way down to my toes but I couldn't stop myself. Suddenly he turned and head butted me, rubbing the side of my head with his. I purred as I realized he was thanking me.

It wasn't until I heard a snorting that I remembered Chase and Tyler were watching us. I turned away and began to run back in the direction of my clothes. I heard Damian growl after me but I pushed myself even harder, hoping put physical distance between us would distant the emotions I felt.

By the time I reached my clothes I was exhausted. I dropped down by the tree, panting. I closed my eyes as the tremors shook my body, feeling my sense dull, my bones straighten, my fingers lengthen and my muzzle shrink. Soon I felt the cool ground against my bare skin, and I gripped at the leaves and sticks as what I just did came back to me.

"I'm so stupid." I muttered aloud.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2015 ⏰

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