Sorry/ ask box is open

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Sorry I haven't been that active lately. The reason isn't completely my fault in a way. You guyes haven't been that active, and when your not active with questions. How can I be active? Sorry if it sounds like I'm forcing I just didn't want people to get the wrong idea that I'm just not updating because I don't want to. Also if you have any ideas at all for the mettablook ask mini story's, comment down them I will tag you guyes if I like them which I most likely will. But also once again thanks for all the support like it really really really means a lot. I was thinking of quitting the weighting part of wattpad. But then I made this and that all changed now if never felt more inspired to wright more. (Even if I have wrighter so block for a couple books) but once again thanks and a quick sorry and as we all know.

The ask blog is open!!

Ask Asriel And FloweyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt