Chapter 1

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It was a Monday morning and my head was pounding, the results of last nights party. Jillian was fucking crazy to throw a party on a Sunday night, but it was the only night her parents weren’t going to be home.

“You look terrible…helloooo? Earth to Kat!” Jill waves her hands in front of may face. “Did someone have too much fun at my party?”

“Shut up” I snap at her. “Do you have any Advil?” I take the two little orange pills from her as we continue walking to our 4th period class.

“Did you do the analysis homework?” I suddenly remember that there was homework assigned over the weekend.

“Shit, I forgot. Maybe Ms. Leu wont check it?” I let out a sigh, so far today has been terrible, I wasn’t feeling too confident that Ms. Leu would forget about the homework.

We file into the classroom and find our usual seats in front corner of the room. Jill rolls her eyes at me but I am a straight A student and I like to sit in the front. Most people tell us it comes as a big surprise that we are friends. Jill is known for her huge house parties and her ability to do a keg stand while I’m known for my 4.0 GPA and perfect attendance record.After I became friends with Jill I started to go to more and more parties, but I managed to keep my GPA and perfect attendance, even if that meant going to school with a hangover.

I have always been a little jealous of Jill. Her parents both had decent jobs, so money was something she never had to worry about. She was also drop-dead gorgeous. She had big blue eyes, long natural blonde hair that was always curled, and perfectly tanned skin that never seemed to dull or fade, even in winter. She also had the quarterback of the football team as a boyfriend, so she was also the envy of every cheerleader at Spring Ridge High. My mom used to tell me I was pretty, but I never really saw it. I had straight dark brown hair that was dull and lifeless, pale skin that would never seem to tan, and my bright green eyes look out of place with my dark hair.

The second bell rings and Ms. Leu walks to the front of the class. “Okay, everyone pass up the homework!” I tilt my head and look over at Jill. Of course she’s going to collect the homework.

After the few people who did the homework turned it in, the classroom phone rings. “Ugh, I just sat down” Ms. Leu stands back up and walks across the room to the phone mounted on the wall next to the door. “Room 410” she answers. “…sure, she’ll be right down.” she says into the phone and hangs up.

 “Kat, Mr. Trent wants to see you in his office.” The class erupts in a chorus of ‘ooo’s and ‘your in trouble’s. “Okay class that’s enough, Kat, take your things with you.”

I gather my books and my purse and leave the classroom. As I’m walking down the empty halls to the main office, I can’t help but worry. Did I do something wrong? Do they know I was drinking at last night’s party? Are they going to ask me who threw the party? I’ll have to try to cover for Jill. I push away my worrying thoughts and walk into the office with a smile on my face.

“Good morning Mrs. M,” I say to the secretary at the front desk. “I was called down to see Mr. Trent?”

“Ahh yes, Kat. There is someone he wants you to meet. Go ahead back.”

I nod and start walking back to Mr. Trent’s office. Who would he have here for me to meet? I knock on the door and it flies open to reveal a short man with grey hair and bright blue eyes peeking out behind a pair of dark wire-framed glasses.

“Kat! How are you? So good to see you! There’s someone very important that wants to talk to you!” He gushes in one breath. Sometimes just listening to Mr. Trent talk can make you feel tired.

I walk into his office and see an older woman who looks to be in her mid 50’s sitting in Mr. Trent’s chair behind his desk. “Kat this is Mrs. Hitchford. She has some very important things to speak with you about. I’m going on my lunch break to give you time to talk.” And with that he left, closing the door behind him leaving me awkwardly standing in front of two cold eyes.


Hope you like it so far!! I will try to update again tomorrow. Until then feel free to leave comments/suggestions! Dont forget to vote and add A Diplomatin Relation to your library!!


Tori <3

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