Chapter 2

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“Please have a seat, Kat was it? Is that your real name?” The woman speaks for the first time and i notice her posh british accent. I mentaly roll my eyes.

I pull out a chair from the opposite side of the desk. “No, my name is Katherine, but everyone calls me Kat.”

“Well you should go by Katherine, it’s much more regal.”

Okay, who was this bitch and why was she telling me what name I should go by?

“May I ask why you pulled me out of class? What is this about?”

“Yes of course. Have you been listening to the news lately?” I nod my head and she frowns at me. “Well there has been dispute between our government and the English monarch, purely political nothing you need to much detail in. I am Mellissa Hitchford, a representative of the Royal Family. I was sent out to find a way to relieve tension between the two countries.”

“Okay that makes sense but what do I have to do with any of this?” She rolls her eyes as if she is annoyed that she must explain this to me.

“It seems to have been agreed that a marriage between the two countries will help relieve the tension.” I stared blankly at her.

What was she saying? A political marriage? I didn’t know they still did that.

“A marriage between who?” I ask, although I already feel like I know the answer.

“Well the American would be you, that’s why I’m here explaining this to you. You graduate high school in a month. We will use that month to…”

“Wait, wait,” I interrupt her. “I’m not going to be a part of any arranged marriage. You can’t make me do this, I have rights, this is America!”   

“We have already talked to your father about this and he has agreed to it, so you don’t really have much of a choice.”

“When did you talk to my dad?”

“This morning. It didn’t take much convincing after we explained the…financial…benefits he would receive.”

That bastard gambled me away to the government. If mom were still here this would not be happening.

“As I was saying we will use this last month of you high school year to help train you. You will lean the proper mannerisms that will be expected of you. We will also give you a completely different wardrobe.”

“Why do I have to train for this?”

“Because you will be moving to England, and although we don’t know who you will be paired with, he will be someone prevalent in the media so that it will attract attention.”

I look out the window, this shit day just got worse.

“Is there anything else you are going to spring on me?” I ask annoyed at this whole situation. I feel like I might cry from frustration.

“We will be assigning you a small prep team. They will help me work with you for the next month, and then they will go to England with you.”

“Is that all?” I ask and she smirks.

“One last thing. You and your father will be moving tonight into a much more…suitable… house for someone who is about to be under the microscope of the media.” She pauses and pulls out her phone, scrolling through it. “Here is your new house.” She turns the screen towards me and my eyes go wide.

“That’s going to be my new house?” its fucking huge!

“Well your fathers new house. You will only be there for a month and then you go to England. Your things are being moved as we speak. Right after school there will be a car to take you there. I will meet you there and go over more details with you and you will meet your prep team.”

This is all so crazy. This whole thing is like the plot to a bad movie. Why is this happening to me?

  “So am I done here?”

“Yes you may go back to class.” I stand up and walk towards the door. “Oh Katherine,” I stop and tilt my head. “This whole conversation is top secret. No one knows what we discussed. Not even your principal knows what is happening.”

I simply nod and leave the room, slamming the door on my way out.


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Tori <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2014 ⏰

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