The forest champion enter the ring Hawlucha

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With parting ways from korrina and lucario the gang continue there travels to shalour city

Ash: come on guys lets hurry it up

They all walk until they stop to look at 3 Pokemon helping each other with collecting food

Serena: Awww it so cute they are helping each other

Ash: yeah so how about we leave them to it then

After a couple of minutes they heard crying coming from a distance

Ash: what's that

Serena: could it be the Pokemon

Clemont: let's go check

Bonnie: look that Ursaring is stealing all of there food what a bully

Bonnie and ash ran up to the normal type bear

Bonnie: you give them back right now

Clemont: what are you doing

Ash: stop it that's not nice

Serena: ash get back here it's dangerous

But before ash could do anything a masked hero stepped in

Ash: wow who's that lets take a look

Ash whipped out his pokedex

Pokedex: Hawlucha, the Wrestling Pokémon. Possessing an artistic way of executing its moves, Hawlucha takes great pride in their elegance.

Ash: but this one looks different

The hawlucha took of its mask

Bonnie: wow what a cool mask

Ash: yeah it's so cool

Clemont: I think it's trying to save the Pokemon

Hawlucha came flying down and grabbed Ursaring's neck with its legs spun it around then slammed it on the ground. Then came karate chops followed by a powerful high jump kick

Serena: hawlucha's incredible

Ash: you got that right

Hawlucha then climbed up the tree to perform his finishing pose

Bonnie: what is it doing

???: that's hawlucha's finishing pose it does that in ever battle

Serena: but if it just waits then...

Hawlucha dived down using flying press but Ursaring was able to dodge because it waited so long to attack

Ash: on no hawlucha

???: his opponents always dodge the last move

Serena: maybe because it shows off to much

Ash: Serena don't say that, that's his style

Serena: sorry

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