Dont bother coming back!

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Okay, so we have two days before the end of school and the start of Warped, I couldn't be more exited!
I pulled on my batman muscle shirt, ripped black skinny jeans, black combat boots, my usual makeup, studded wrist bands and I curled my hair. I grabbed my black backpack, an apple and my phone and headphones. I sneaked past my step mother (to escape her verbal torment)  but of course, it didn't work,
"Where are you going?" She screeched from the living room in a drunken tone knowing her, that was probably the case,
"School!" I shouted back,
"Don't bother coming back!" She replied, I rolled my eyes and ran back upstairs, grabbing my suitcase case's (for warped tour) and pulled them down stairs, throwing them into the back of my car and running back to the doorway,
"I won't!" I finally answered,
"Good!" She screamed back, now this was low even for her.
I ran back to my car and jumped in the front seat and drove to Lacey's house, I beeped my horn,
She left the small house and closed the door, locking it behind her, she was wearing her usual makeup, an 'American Rejects' shirt, grey skinny jeans, and her black and red converse with her (now golden blonde hair) in a high ponytail with some hair dangling from either side of her face, she was holding her black backpack. She ran down the patio and jumped into the front passenger seat of my car,
"What's with all the bags?" She asked motioning to the three suitcases at the back of the car,
"Step monster kicked me out," I answered driving down the street and around the corner,
"Oh, got a place to stay,"
"What do you think?" I answered sarcastically,
"Oh right, Wanna stay at mine?"
"Really? Thanks bae," I smiled and she returned a smile,
We soon arrived at the hell hole called 'school', I pulled into the student car park and we both jumped out. We wondered into the hallway,
"Hey," our vision was blocked by a group of jocks,
"Nice shirt Hunter," btw 'Hunter' is my second name, yep 'Scarlet Hunter',
"Lovely," I replied, pushing past the bulky guys in front of me and continuing to my first class, the day continued like any other and I stayed at Lacey's. Soon, the two days were over and we found ourselves in my car, driving to the rental motor home store. We were given the keys to a large truck, it was identical to that of what we saw in the photos of band trucks at warped from the previous years, we hopped in to be greeted by a huge living space completed with a kitchen and a spacey bathroom, next to that were two bedrooms (small, but homely) it was AMAZING.
We instantly hit the road with Lacey driving first and me unpacking, We decided to start driving asap so we could get as close as possible to the stages. When we had arrived, we made our way through the crowds and to the first show,
"Black Veil Brides?" Lacey spoke with uncertainty while looking at a sign that read just that, 'Black Veil Brides',
"Who are they?" I asked,
"No idea," she answered, "let's check them out,"
"No Lacey, Falling In Reverse are playing in an hour and a half and I don't want to be late," I said indicating to the stage in the distance,
"I'll only take about an hour and we won't be late, I promise," she reassured me, I nodded and followed her to the stage, inhabited by this new band that I had never heard of. About half an hour later, the show was over and we saw the band walk of stage and around to the back,
"Let's go see them!" She shouted,
"No Lacey!" I answered, now realising I was on my own, my social anxiety kicked in, I looked around and saw the back of Lacey's head disappearing in the distance I ran after her (not knowing where I was going).
I soon fell.
I noticed that I was on my own, staring at a pair of cowboy boots, I followed them up and saw a beautiful man with chocolate brown eyes, looking me I jumped to attention standing up and staring up at the man he was roughly about three inches taller than me. I realised, while examining his features that this was in fact the man that I had just previously seen on stage...
"Oh shit," I whispered to myself not noticing that I was, in reality speaking out loud,
"Wow, a beautiful face and a colourful vocabulary, I think we have a keeper boys," he turned around and spoke to the inappropriately beautiful men behind him, I blushed, and I then noticed my childhood friend behind all the makeup,
"Andy?" He looked back at me and remembered who I was,
"Scarlet? Scarlet Hunter!
I haven't seen you in ages!
It must have been about ten years!" We cuddled but soon pulling ourselves together as I pulled away from him,
"And you are?" I asked, trying to look sophisticated why gaining my balance again,
"Oh sassy, I like that," he winked, "and to answer your question, I'm Ashley Purdy...the Ashley Purdy,"  holly fuck that was a hot name... "I'm Scarlet Hunter,"
He nodded "I noticed, oh this is Jinxx," he said pointing to the first man in the line who simply nodded and smiled, "CC," who again nodded, "Jake," who blew a kiss at me, I blushed and he chuckled, "and I think you already know Andy," he pointed to Andy as he stood in the line smiling like and idiot, As his name was said, he walked forward and started talking,
"Hi," I answered,
"You been on warped before?" He continued still excited about the reunion,
"No," I answered but Ashley soon but in,
"Ohhhh so you a warped tour virgin," he smiled, I raised an eyebrow as Andy playfully punched his arm,
"I guess," I answered shyly,
"So, are you alone?" He asked,
"No...I'm actually with...oh shit, Lacey!" I scrolled through my phone and called her,
"Ohhh who's Lacey?" The guy I now know as Jinxx asked,
"My friend," I answered, waiting for her to answer,
Ring Ring-Ring Ring-Ring-
"H-hello?" She stuttered down the phone,
"Hey it's Scarlett where are you?"
"I headed back to the truck, Falling In Reverse was rescheduled,"
"So you left me?"
"Oh, yeah, sorry about that, I couldn't find you,"
"I'll be there in half and hour of something, I need a walk,"
I hung up and shoved my phone in my back pocket, and turned to leave and someone grabbed my wrist and I spun around to see that it was Andy,
"Uhhh, hey can I have your number or something?"
"Ohhhhh," The boys said mockingly,
"Oh, okay," I pulled my phone out, it was dead,
"Sorry, my phones dead,"
"We'll do you want to come to our truck to charge it?
It'd only take a second,"
I thought for a moment, surely hanging out with a couple of hot guys and an old friend wouldn't be to bad,
"Oh, okay," I followed them to their truck and handed them my phone and they put it on charge in (what I'm guessing was) a bedroom, my phone quickly charged and I politely swapped numbers with all the guys.

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