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Floyd and Marina were walking along the streets of star city to visit Floyd's daughter Zoe. They had chips in their necks so they couldn't escape if they wanted. "Hey Floyd." "Hm!" "What's your daughter like?!" "She's very sweet and doesn't care if your evil or good. She knew what I did for a living. I just feel bad that I had to leave her." He sighed. She hugged him and said, "She loves you..i bet she just can't wait to see you!" He smiled.

They arrived at an apartment building and he rang the door bell. It opened and Jinx followed Floyd up the stairs. He knocked on the apartment door that read 5.

*Jinx's POV*

A lady opened the door. She had fair skin and brunette hair. She looked so pretty. How could I compete. Well he's not dating her anymore but-" "Jinx?" I looked up and saw Floyd waiting for me to follow. "Oh uh sorry!" I muttered and my face turned a bright red which he chuckled to.

We walked up another flight of stairs and came to the modern looking livingroom. It was ..cute. "Hi you must be Michelle..I'm Marina but they call me Jinx!" I put my hand out but she just looked at it and muttered a 'Hi'. I awkwardly put my hand down and Floyd rolled his eyes.

"Why do you need to act like this?" "Act like what Floyd WHAT!?"  Michelle yelled at him angrily. I started at the two awkwardly. I quietly slipped away and walked down the hall. I heard her yell "She's a blue haired bitch...I mean what chick has blue hair!?" And heard him yell. "Don't call her that!" I clenched my fist and sighed.

I can show you what this blue haired bitch can do. I chuckled quietly to myself. I arrived to a room and heard singing. I'm guessing it was his daughter Zoe. I knocked and heard her say, "Come in!" I opened the door and was met with a young girl. She had brown hair and looked a lot like her father and kind of like her mother.

"Oh hi you must be Marina!" She cheerfully laughed and ran up and hugged me. I gasped but then bent down to her level. "And you must be the amazing and wonderful Zoe!" I smiled and she giggled. She heard her parents arguing and she shook her head.

"They're at it again...Wanna play dolls with me!?" She smiled. Her smile was so pretty. It looked like fireworks. "Sure!" I blushed. Why was I blushing..oh yeah cause her frickin smile reminded me of her Handsome father.

While we were playing she asked me, "How much do you love my dad?" I giggled and didn't realize her dad was in the door way listening with a smile on his face. "I love him more then I can explain really. The first time I met him I knew it was going to be something special. I would do anything for him and protect him in anyway. If he asked me to be his girlfriend and marry him later on I would burst with joy because I know I would be his and he would be mine." I didn't realize I was crying a little bit and that she was hugging me so I hugged her back.

I heard him say , "Zoe?!" And I quickly turned around and blushed. Shoot my face looked like a tomato. I wondered how long he was waiting there. "DADDY!" She exclaimed and ran up to him which he picked her up. "You were playing with Mari?" "Mhm I like her!" She smiled and looked at me wiggling her eyebrows which cause my face to turn more redder than before. "Goodness Zoe!" I muttered and heard them both laugh.

Now that I looked at them together they looked like twins..wow!


Few hours later we left.

We were walking in the streets heading back to Gotham.

"Did you really mean what you said back there?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I asked pretending not to notice. He stopped and turned towards me which caused me to back up until I hit a wall. He smirked and looked at my lips he leaned in and said, "I think you know what I'm talking about." My face couldn't get any redder. "I-I-I U-um" I stuttered..Jesus he was making me shy.

He quickly pulled away. He was teasing me. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I frowned at him as he laughed and continued walking. As I was about to catch up to him an arm pulled me. I punched whoever and heard a groan. I quickly turned around and saw the Joker. I growled. "Hey..Jinxy." "Only Floyd call me that!" I growled. He laughed his insane laugh I'm surprised Floyd didn't hear it. "You won't have to worry about him anymore..because you are coming with me sweetie." He cackled and I was suddenly out like a light.

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