My Sharpie is my knife,
The hurt the pain the hate.
I drowned myself in the music.My Sharpie is my knife,
I press deep writing out the lyrics
The pain washes away with the water but yet lingers deep inside.My Sharpie is my knife,
It's clean and precise
No commitment needed
Deeper and deeper I press
The words hurt,
"You will never do anything with your life."My Sharpie is my knife,
The people I lost
The people that left
That hurts more than anything
Scared to get close but scared to be alone.My Sharpie is my knife,
The pain never really leaves
It's inside me
It's screaming to be let out
I shove it deeper inside.My Sharpie is My Knife,
The tears the pain
The all nighters
The stares
The regrets.One day that Sharpie will turn into a knife and cut deep,
Deep enough to leave.