Back in Action

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"It seems that you were noticed as well, huh?" I flash a smile at Izuku. My classmates began to chatter about how we got so much attention in just one day. I even got asked for my phone number a few times!

"Morning." Mr. Aizawa greets unenthusiastically as he walks into the clamor filled room.

"Good morning!" We all greet.

"Mr. Aizawa, I'm happy you were able to remove your bandages!" Tsuyu adds on.

"The old lady got over-dramatic with her treatment. But let's put that aside. Today's Hero Informatics period is a little special."

"Special?" I thought. "I wonder what could happen."

"It's time to formulate your codenames. Your hero names."

"Yes!" The room breaks into cheers.


It was finally my turn to reveal my hero name idea. Words can't explain how nervous I really am. I wonder how people are gonna think about this. Reluctantly, I walk to the front of the class and held the board in front of me. Slowly turning it, I revealed it.

"Bloodia..." I gulp. (A/n: Read the A/n for the chapter titled identity for the reasoning behind this name.)

"That's a good one, (Y/n)!" Ochako speaks up

"Yeah, it fits you perfectly! You know, the 2 of us should team up! Crimson Riot and Bloo-" Kirishima was cut off by Todoroki chopping the back of his neck with his hand. Choking sounds resonated from Kirishima.

"Be quiet. Good name choice, (Y/n). It fits."

"Thank you." I quietly smile.


Mr. Aizawa had told us that we would be field training for one week or so. I was actually a bit depressed that I didn't receive any nominations. I suppose that it comes with the Hero business.

"Your field training will be one week long." Mr. Aizawa starts as he stands beside the 18+ prodigy herself, Midnight. "These are all good workplaces. But those with nominations will receive a personalized list. Pick one." He continues. He waved a piece of paper in front of him as he continued to explain more details.

"Those who don't, get this list of 40 participating workplaces from across the country. Choose from this list."

Mr. Aizawa continued with the details, but I was too distracted to pay attention. I felt my phone vibrate many times, as if someone was spamming messages. I take out my phone to see who it is.

[Mom]: Hey, (Y/n)! Have you all done the thing about field training yet?!

[Mom]: Hey! Have you?

[Mom]: All Might wanted me to participate! Isn't that great?

[Mom]: You should totally work under my wing! I mean, we're practically the same! It would only be common sense. Plus, we'll have a blast!

[Mom]: I'm excited to get back into the hero business! Well, especially since I got permission from your father. Did you that he's gonna be back in Japan? After working in America so long, right?

[Mom]: I bet you never seen your mother in action other than the time I saved you! Get ready because the training is gonna be hard!

I smile lightly at my phone. It's great to see my mother so happy and get to do what she loved again.

[Me]: Oh wow, dad really did approve of you getting back into the Hero business? That's surprising. But I guess I will work under you. I didn't get any nominations anyways.

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