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August POV
6 months later

I woke up to my door bell ringing. I rolled out the bed and went to the door to see Chyna with Avery.

Avery - Dada

Aug - hey

Chyna - hi

Aug - Chyna I wanna apologize.

Chyna - Look I gotta go

Aug - nah come talk to me

Chyna - why.

Aug - fa the fake of our son

Trey walked to the door.

Trey - Chy c'mon let's go

Aug - hold on damn.

Chyna - Aug just talk to me later

Aug - nah this is about my son.

Trey - you ain't his father on his birth certificate ( mumbles)

Aug - what

Trey - that's not what his birth certificate says. I'm his father.

Aug - no the hell you not. Chyna change his birth certificate. He's my son.

Chyna - Aug look I didn't think it would matter

Aug - it does matter okay.

Chyna - this ain't about Avery is it?

Aug - it's not. I miss you.

Trey - Chyna let's go

I grabbed Chyna's arm.

Chyna - what

I kissed her.

Chyna pulled away and Trey pushed me into the wall. I punched him and kicked him in the face.


Avery laughed

Chyna pushed me off him.

Trey got up.

Avery ran to me.

Avery - Dada

Chyna tried to touch Trey

Chyna POV

I tried to touch Trey but he snatched his arm away and walked away.

Aug - bye Chyna

Avery - bye bye mama

Chyna - bye Avery you better behave yourself.

Avery - no worry mama

Aug - I got him

He winked at me.

Trey - Chyna let's go.

I got in the car.

Chyna - baby you o-


Chyna - Trey I'm just tryi-

He pulled over and hit me.

I got out.

Trey - wait Chyna I'm sorry

I walked back to Aug's house.

He answered and let me in.

He kept looking at my eye. I know I have a black eye.

Avery ran to me.

August POV

Chyna didn't say a word.

Avery - what wrong with eye

Chyna - nothing baby

Aug - Trey hit you

Chyna - Aug leave it alone. Okay

Aug - Avery go in your room.

He walked out.

Aug - I'm just trying to help you. He hit you

Chyna -  you've hit me too. You know what I'm done with relationships for right now. AVERY LET'S GO

Avery - otay mommy

They left.

Chyna POV

I went by Trey's house and got mine and Avery's stuff and went to my house.

Avery sat on my lap.

Avery - why you let Trey hit you mommy. You suppose to fight back.

I didn't say anything.

Avery - man not suppose to hit girl. Dats bad.

I put in Madagascar :Escape to Africa.

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