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It was easy to say Kaya Blackwood wasn't having a merry evening.

She had just been accused of cheating, had her powers go haywire, and to top it all off, was decked in the face by Imogen Cadwell.

She wanted to get out of there, not have to see Imogen or Alex's smug little faces anymore. But the curious look on the praetor's faces didn't falter, and achingly, she knew she had to stay for an explanation.

The study room, as usual, was elegant just like New Rome and Camp Jupiter itself. Heavy scarlet curtains were drawn together to block out daylight, the room was only lit by a reading lamp on the table next to Imogen, and the walls were lined with several bookshelves, obtaining leather and velvet bound manuscripts.

Every pair of eyes were on her, and as much as she looked down at her hands, she couldn't help but feel them crawling over her, starving for answers.

"Explain." Said Ty slowly, the dim lighting shadowed the sharp cheek bones blemishing his face.

When he spoke, she forced herself to look up.

The two praetors were close, Mara's slender hand gripping her co-praetors forearm. Briefly, she met Alex and Imogen's eyes. Alex's a lazy and relaxed russet, and Imogen's a burning emerald glare.

"As a child of Trivia, I can bend the mist," Kaya explained, her tongue dry. "While I manipulate it, I can feel it's energy humming around me, while it goes havoc, so do I."

Alex's dark eyes flicked from Ty to her, the previous tilt of his mouth, had been replaced with his usual scowl. "That's bullshit."

"Alex!" Mara hissed, taken aback.

The son of Mars had been silent as usual, but she was just as surprised as Mara was when words left his mouth. It was as if hearing an animal speak. His voice was smooth and articulate, which only drew the confidence she mustered right out of her lungs. When he did talk, he was manipulative and convincing. Suddenly, she was afraid that he might turn the praetors against her. He was smart enough.

He ignored her. "Nothing has ever been wrong with the mist. Not for centuries. Not ever." He argued.

Kaya stared at him, her dark eyes intensifying under his words. "And how would you know? You're not a child of magic."

"Your right, I'm not." Alex agreed, but she could sense the oncoming acid lacing his tone. "But I do know you're the only child of magic here. If the mist really is weakening, as you claim, then why hasn't anything out of the ordinary happened?"

Kaya leaned forward impatiently, feeling a gaze of warning from Ty at the corner of her eye. "Something out of the ordinary did happen. My energy backfired on the whole legion for the god's sake!"

There was a trace of hesitation, but the moment she caught it, it was gone. "Are you sure you're not just a poor little girl who doesn't know how to control her powers? From what I can tell that's the only thing that's happening here. Blaming the mist on your own weaknesses."

Kaya scoffed. "That's not what's happening. I had no problem controlling it until now."

"Did you enjoy putting everyone in a coma, Blackwood?" Alex said tightly. "Did you hesitate, or was it the realization that you would lose to draw you into such a consideration. It must have been so satisfying for a small thing like yourself to shoot everyone down."

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