Tamaharu Oneshot

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Ey! It's My_Current_Obsession! Sorry if this sucks. I was just bored one day and did it.

"Haruhi, Time for school." Dad said as he opened the door to my room. He didn't look like what he usually looked like. A bright smile, happy, and energetic eyes. Instead, he looked grim, and depressed. But honestly, I felt the same. "Dad.. Could I.. Stay home today...?" I asked, hoping he'd say yes. "Haruhi.. I know you're sad, but we can't be depressed the whole day. She would've wanted us to celebrate...!" He said, a small sad smile forming on his lips. "......" I didn't bother to reply. "Alright.. Well, I'll let you get dressed." Dad closed my door as I looked over to the uniform that was hanging on the doorknob that was on he door that would lead me to where dad most likely was by then. So, I got the light blue outfit and slipped off my pajamas, and put on my uniform. I looked into the mirror. "... I look a lot like her.." I thought as I slowly turned my gaze away from the small mirror and opened the door to where my father was. I grabbed my backpack and didn't bother to eat, or say goodbye. I just wanted to get the day over with. "... I miss you mom.." I mumbled to myself, looking up at the blue sky... Although.. It didn't look blue to me. It looked glum, and sad. Good. It fit my mood. "Haruhi!" I looked down, a blank expression on my face, to see Honey-sempai, Tamaki-Sempai, and the twins(Hikaru and Kaoru)sticking their heads out the window, a bright smile on their face. "How could they smile today.." I thought to myself. "Get in! We'll drive you to school!" Tamaki-sempai said, a grin now on his face. "...I'd rather walk.." He now was pouting. He opened the door as everyone else fell out, and followed me as I walked. "Oh come on, Haruhi!" Tamaki-sempai said, clearly BLIND to how annoyed I was. "... No.." I said bluntly. "But Haru-" I cut him off out of anger. "I said no, Tamaki!" "... I said his real name.. Darn it.." I didn't know what to do next, so I sprinted the rest of the way to school, not turning back.

"... I probably shouldn't have done that.." I said to myself, entering ouran. And oh how lucky I was. One of Tamaki's classrooms was having construction done on it so we'd be sharing a class. "... Great.. And I have most of my classes with the twins.. And one with Tamaki.. Let's get this over with."

I sat down at my desk, which of course had to be in between both o the twins, as I got my books out, my hair covering my eyes so no one would see how dead, and depressed they looked. "... Haruhi..? Is something-" Kaoru tried to talk to me, but I just cut him off like I had been doing the whole day to avoid; 1: eye contact. 2: break out sobbing. 3: drawing attention. And 4: making them worry. "I'm fine, Kaoru. Don't worry." I said, still avoiding eye contact. "... Okay." I just hoped that was convincing enough.

And now... The one class, that I have with, Tamaki... I sat down, and of course he sat down right next to me. "Haruhi... Are you-" I honestly didn't
Need more people to ask me that. "I'm fine, Sempai..." I said, clutching my fists as tears threatened to fall. Our teacher had already started the lesson. "Haruhi, I don't think you are." "I am. I'm fine." "Haruhi-" I raised my hand. "Yes mr. Fujioka?" "M-may I be excused..?" I asked, looking up for the first time that day. I'm guessing she saw the sadness in my eyes. "... Yes." Before she could say anything else, or change her mind, I quickly walked out of the classroom, running the rest of the way to the front gardens before anyone could see me cry. I collapsed onto my knees in tears in front of a Sakura tree, grabbing fistfuls of the grass beneath me, as I let the salty water trickle down my face. "Mom.." I whimpered, thinking about all of the memories we had together. We would go to the ice cream shop that wasn't to far away from our neighborhood, and we'd always get the biggest bowl they had and shared it. We'd always end up getting a stomach ache afterwards, but we really didn't care. Mom always liked their banana flavored ice cream, while I always liked vanilla, so we'd ask for one side to be banana and the other side vanilla. There was this one guy who would always be there when we were there. I believe his name was, Koji. Koji was like a grandfather to me, a very sweet old man. I continued crying as I was oblivious to a tiny boy walking up behind me. "Haru-chan... Class is over..." Honey said, sitting next to me in the grass. I didn't even reply, I was too overwhelmed with memories of my mother. "Haru-chan.. Don't cry..." Yeah, I didn't listen. Honey wrapped his small arms around me, as I selfishly tried to pull away. "Haruhi...?" Just the one person I needed to see. Before the French drama queen could even reply, I quickly got out of Honey's hug, and ran into the school. I finally stopped running and went into the now empty classroom to get my bags. They weren't there. I heard footsteps behind me and quickly wiped my damp cheeks. "Look Haruhi... I don't know what's going on. Whether it's your..." He cleared his throat and mumbled; "time of the month..." Under his breath. "Or.. If it's more personal. But just know, that no matter what it is, we can help you Haruhi." "Hold it in.. You can't look weak in front of him now... Darn it.. It fell." A small tear fell from my left eye. Darn it... Something cold touched my cheek and wiped the tear away. "Wait a minute... If he's on that side.. Then...-!" "Haruhi... What.. Is this?" There's a scar on my left temple that I always had hidden from them. I didn't want them to worry. "It's nothing.. Did you take my bags?" I asked. "Uh.. Yeah, here." He handed me my backpack and I muttered a small; "Arigatou" and turned around. "Uh- wait! Haruhi!" I started running. "Wait, why am I running..?!" I thought. Then it hit me. I knew exactly where I was going. "... Koji."

It was an adorable little building. And it still is after all of these years. A dandelion white on the outside, and cheerful artwork on the walls inside. "It's like this place never changed..." I mumbled to myself. I slowly went towards the door and opened it. I was expecting to see the adorable smile Mr. Koji always had. But Instead, I see the saddest old man I had ever seen in my life. I walked over to the counter. "One scoop of Vanilla please." He looked up as his dark brown eyes met my light brown eyes, and his face immediately lit up. "Fujioka..!" I did a small sad smile towards him. "Today's the day, huh.." I nodded as tears started to sting my eyes. "... I miss her a lot.." I said. It was silent for a few seconds. By this time, my mom and I would be walking over to our special place by the window as I already would have started to gobble down my half. I sighed. "You know what, Haruhi? I'm gonna give you the biggest size we have, on the house. Half Vanilla and half Banana, right?" I looked back at him with a small smile and a nod. "Thank you, Koji-San.." I said. "Oh, no San! Just Koji!" He said, a smile on his lips. "Okay. Thank you, Koji."

Haruhi, your friends are here." My dad said, opening the door to my room. "What..? Why would the host club be here... Is it because how I acted throughout the day? ... No, Kyoya must be upset I missed Club time today..." I thought as I sat up, showing my father my tear stained face. His face looked sorrowful. "I'll be with the shrine.." He walked out of the room, leaving the door open... Why do people love the door open!? "H-Haruhi? ... Are y-you still mad at m-me?" That was Tamaki-Sempai.. Oh no, he thinks I'm mad! "I'm not mad, Sempai. I'm just... I-i don't know.." I said, looking down, so my tear stains weren't visible. "Oh.. Okay..." I felt the bed shift as he sat next to me, making me the slightest bit flustered. "So... I don't want to push you, Haruhi. I just want to know what's going on... I-if it's okay with you! Only I-if it's okay with you!" "...." I really didn't want to tell him, but it wouldn't have been fair if I didn't. "I-" of course, thunder cut me off. I jumped, fell off the bed, and just went to the one place I could think of. Under the bed. I went under it, and curled up into a ball as Tamaki-Sempai called my name. "Haruhi! Wha-!?" I heard the bed creak, and opened my eyes to see, Sempai looking underneath it to see me. "Sempai-" the Lightning cut me off, and of course I screamed like a baby. "H-Haruhi...!" Another bolt of lightning struck, and of course I had to whimper like a little puppy. "Haruhi.. Come here. Nothing's going to hurt you if your in my arms... I promise." Gosh I probably looked so weak. I opened my eyes to see he had his hand outstretched to me, and all I was doing was staring at him. I looked at his hand, then back at him. Then back at his hand, and back at him. I took his hand shakily and slowly, and was making my way out from under the bed at the speed of a turtle. Until another bolt of thunder struck and i transformed into a bunny. I got out from under neath as quick as I could and basically glomped Sempai. "It's alright, Haruhi. The storm will be over soon. And I promise, I won't let you go..." ..He had to say that.. "..." I pushed him off of me, and blurted out; "Don't make promises you can't keep Sempai!" He stared at me, wide eyed. "Haruhi.. What-" "That's what she said before she died, what she said before she left me, Tamaki!" I didn't even notice I had started crying until he wiped a tear off my face. Another lightning bolt struck, and of course by reflex, I grabbed him. I'm surprise I didn't crush him.. "Haruhi.. This is about your mother, isn't it.." My body stiffened as I nodded. "10 Years.. 10 years since she was killed.. She didn't deserve it, Sempai! She didn't!" I cried. Literally, I was basically sobbing. "Don't worry Haruhi.. This is a promise I'll never break." "... Ever?" "Ever." There was a short pause after that. "... I want to know what that scar is about Haruhi. Please, tell me." I stiffened. Why would he wanna know? "Why.." I ask. He hugs me tighter. "Because.. I just need to know..." I sigh. He's stubborn. "... My mom was murdered.. You know that, right?" He shook his head. "Well..
She was. And.. I was there.." I felt him tense up. ".. What!?" "I was there. I saw her get shot.. She had failed a case and the client was proven guilty.. He broke out of jail and killed her. The bullet went past my face and gave me a scar.. Landed in my mother's stomach." He was still for awhile, but then he buried his face into my shoulder. "Haruhi... I'm sorry.. I didn't-.. I didn't mean to-.. I-" I cut him off. "I-it's ok.. It's probably best I tell someone about it.. R-rig-" thunder cut me off as I let out another ear piercing scream. Gosh, I'm surprised Sempai didn't go deaf.. Great. I was trembling. "Haruhi! Calm down! I-it's okay.. Nothing's going to hurt you.. I promise.."

I think... I love him, mom - OHSHCWhere stories live. Discover now