...time to talk

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Don't min the weird pic above (it's just a knee people) 😊
I get up storm out of the classroom this time nothing could stop me not a door,Farkle,not even mr.Matthew's I get near  the "hole" from early this year and hear something I stop and listen.
"Maya everyone gets defeated sometimes"
At least I know Riley found maya.
"But I was always there for you and Farkle, and when that happened I just thought at least it wasnt to you guys"
"It's ok you were there for us and now it's time for us to be there for You"
I hear maya laugh.....god I love that laugh.
Wait what am I thinking I can't hurt Riley...oh god,not again
I really need to pick already but I don't want to hurt either of them well I will deal with that later,right now I have too find chad.

"I know riles but I just wanted to be what you guys thought I was but I feel like I failed"I sigh I just am glad my ray of sunshine, dorothy , little goofball didn't know I cut at least I don't think she does, that's until
"Why do you do it"Riley ask sounding sad
"Do what riles"I softly say
"Hurt yourself emotionally.........,and well ......why to you cut"she blurts out
"Oh I was hoping you didn't know about that."
"Of course I know"she shouts but then mumbles "well now I do"
"What do you mean now" I say as my voice cracks
"Farkle" she bluntly says
"IM GOING TO KILL HIM"I run over to mr. Matthews classroom and see Farkle I bust through the door

Maya busts threw the door and I know she found out I told
"Ma-" I'm cut off by yelling
uh oh
Now I feel really bad
"I know bu-"
"BUT WHAT YOU PROMISED TO KEEP TO YOUR SELF,how can I trust you after this" maya says in a half your so dead and a Half broke sad tone 2
"I DID IT FOR YOU I DONT WANT TO LOSE ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS AND MY WIFE" we both laugh at remembering the wife part
"Wife?" Mr.Matthews questions
but maya is still a little to mad and hurt to answer and I chuckle to myself
"Long story for a different time ham bone"I say still laughing alittle bit

Wasn't a very good chapter but none of them really are lol comment what you think and I will update ASAP 444 words comment an amount I should reach on my next chapter

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