Stable Haven- or not...

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Hello, chaps. So this is part two, and I once again Apollo-gize (haha, pun.) for the holdup. I finally watched the Hunchback of Notre Dame a few days ago, and I think Esmerelda and that dude, whatever his name is, are a lot like Piper and Jason. Ya know, "seriously brave" blond dude, beautiful dark haired girl with cool eyes. Anyway, so yeah. You all know I don't own all that stuff and this is just a fanfic. Oh, before I go and you start reading, does anyone get the stupid pun in my title? Anyone? Anyone? No? Okay. Well, please enjoy, and if you like my story so far, please pass it on. I want to get as much feedback on my writing as I can. Also, please comment about the P.O.V. change. Thank you! Ta ta!

Edited: 1/8/15

Ellie's P.O.V.

I followed Leo down the swaying hall, trying not to awkwardly think about how adorable he is when he breathes. I know. I have problems. But when you are able to hear people's breathing clearly all the time, you begin to kind of associate it as a character trait. Anyway, he hopped down some steps until we reached a giant pair of marble feet. Leo swore under his breath.

"I forgot this stupid thing was down here..."

"What is that thing, exactly?" I wrinkled my nose at the giant feet. They made me uneasy. They reminded me too much of... Her. Plus, someone I knew had died to a pair of giant toes.

"This thing," he sighed. " is the Athena Parthenos. It is the whole entire reason Percy and Annabeth are in Tartarus right now. But shouldn't you know that?" he questioned, slightly suspicious now. I smiled sheepishly and played with a bit of my hair.

"Well, I only listened sometimes. You guys were pretty boring most of the time. Plus, it is kind of a difficult topic for you, isn't it? So you didn't really talk about it very often, and..." I trailed off, looking away.

"True..." he answered, not quite satisfied. "I guess we can't practice here... How about the deck?"

"Sounds good, I guess." I answered, feeling even more awkward now.
Why couldn't Faith keep her big mouth shut about my gift?
Then again, he would have found out at some point, I thought bitterly. Leo spun on his heel and started back up the stairs, going past me as I chewed my lip, contemplating. When he reached the top, he turned to look at me.

"Well? Aren't you coming?" I shook myself out of my daze and said

"Yeah, let's go." I quickly pushed the thoughts of her out of my mind and moved up the stairs until we were both at the top. He gave me a small smile and walked down the hallway to another set of stairs, these going up. As we walked up to the surface, and I trailed my finger on the smooth polished wood of the banister.

"You made the ship by yourself, you say?" I murmured in awe. Everything about it was amazing, from the architectural design to the little details in the woodwork .

"You likey? Yes, I designed it all by myself, but had a little help from Cabin Nine in building it." I looked up at the precision in which every plank was placed.

"It's beautiful." I whispered. I hadn't had the opportunity to absorb the ship in my haste to get on and around it, and now I was seeing it was more than a ship. It was a work of art. Leo blushed slightly.

"Well, I tried."

"Your efforts were not in vain, then," I said, still craning my neck at the ceiling. Then I snapped it back and realized we probably didn't have much time left.

"I still don't know how to square dance!" Leo's eyes widened and he grabbed my wrist and dragged me up the remainder of the stairs, which I'll admit was a little unnecessary, but I wasn't complaining. We emerged on the deck and I took a deep breath, the wind whipping through my hair. I spread my arms wide, my palms and face pointed to the silvery light of the moon. A laugh bubbled up from my chest, echoing strangely in the empty night. I spun around, and almost burst into song. But if Leo was looking at me strangely now, he would be looking at me even more strangely if I started singing. My voice had an...interesting affect on people. I stopped mid-spin when I saw Leo was, in fact, looking at me strangely. His head was tilted to the side and his left eyebrow was raised.

"Uhhh...Ellie? Hello? We need to practice!" I looked down at the ground and trailed the toe of my boot along the small gap between two of the planks.

"Sorry about that. I haven't been outside in a while..." I let out a breathy laugh as I looked around awkwardly. His eyes softened.

"It's perfectly fine. I spent weeks in Bunker 11 working on the ship... I looked pretty rough afterwards, to be honest. Glad you weren't there." I blushed. I had no idea what Bunker 11 was, but it didn't really matter. I was kind of lost is his deep brown eyes...

"So, should we get to practicing?" I asked, snapping out of it. I couldn't risk falling for him...

"Oh! Yeah, yeah, let's do that. But first, follow me. I need to introduce you to someone." I cocked my head in confusion.


"You'll see."

Stowaways on the Argo II :  A Percy Jackson Fanfiction  (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now