Drunk like you

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The band was well passed finished their set; I was watching some guy hit on Stacy from across the room when I heard someone walk up beside me at the bar. 

"Hey, beautiful." I heard that southern drawl. "What's up?" I turned to see the singer of the band standing next to me, a bottle of Bud in his left hand. I laughed nervously, then tried to play it off. Damn my nerves. 

"Does that usually work?" I asked him, having successfully cooled off, attempting to stay that way. 

"Yeah, but I've never met a girl like you." This dude was so full of shit.

"Seriously? These lines work?" I was genuinely curious.

"You're talking to me aren't you?" He took another drink of his beer. 

"Touche" Clearly I had been had. I extended my hand to him. "Remi." 

"Jacks." He shook my hand with one hand and lifted the other to take another swig before setting it down on the bar. "I'm trying to play it cool here." 

"What?" The bar was noisy, but I had heard every word. 

"I saw you watching me set up my mic. and I got fucking distracted." Now it was may turn to take a long drink. He smiled. His teeth were so white and perfectly straight. "You were being so effortlessly cool, and so fucking gorgeous." 

"You guys were good." I shrugged, changing the subject, having been uncomfortable with the first one. "From me that is high praise." 

His smile widened.

I peered over his shoulder, seeing Stacy dancing, rather provocatively, with someone who is not her boyfriend.

"I'm sorry. I've got to go get my friend before she does something she regrets." I stated and began to walk away.

"Can I at least get your number first?" He pulled a flip phone out of his back pocket, and I let out a small laugh.

"I haven't seen one of these since '06." I joked as I typed my name and phone number into his contacts.

"Thanks." He could charm the pants off me.

I turned on my heels and went to save Stacy from herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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