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IT'S WHEN MY arm flings across Jasper's mattress and hits him that I realize I've once again fallen asleep at his house. Jasper groans sleepily and rolls away from me, taking the blanket with him and leaving me cold and in a state of partial awareness. My eyes flutter open after a moment or two of gradual waking, and I turn my head to see him cocooned in his giant orange comforter with nothing but a mop of dark hair sticking out the top. I breathe out a slight chuckle and sit up.

The room is still cloaked in darkness, with only a thin glow of sunlight peeking through his heavy curtains. My laptop is still open beside me, screen black and inactive. I notice my sweatpants have rolled up my legs during sleep, and I quickly kick them down while sliding my computer onto my lap.

Lenny uploaded the Kiss Cam announcement onto VlogIt last night, and I'm eager to see the response. My computer hums when my fingers tap across the touchpad and then plays out a little tune while my desktop flashes onto the screen, a picture of Lenny, Jasper, and me at a meet-up with some of our viewers as my background. Jasper sighs beside me and brings his blanket up to cover his fuzzy head. I shake my head and bring up VlogIt to check on the video.

It's late into the morning, about eleven o'clock, and according to VlogIt Lenny had uploaded the video at around two in the morning. Already there are thousands of views and a couple hundred comments.

sammyforever12: Will there be separate videos or will they appear in your daily videos?

I read the comment and purse my lips. Lenny, Jasper, and I had briefly discussed this but hadn't made concrete plans. I have to skip answering the comment until I know for sure. However, I'm sure that the segments will be called Kiss Cam and that they will appear randomly in our daily videos. I have to clear some things with the boys first. So I continue to scroll.

_noonecares: Forget Jasiper, guys. Leniper needs a turn! Like for a Lenny and June kiss!

I shake my head vigorously in response. Kissing one of them is enough—and Lenny would never allow that to happen. His crush on Eva Longoria prevents him from becoming anyone else's. Every time someone brings up Leniper, Lenny makes a point of telling me: "June, I love you. But no way." I continue to scroll.

green_fizzle_pop: Don't mind me, just leaving this kissing request here. I say you two should fight and end with a superhot kiss. Have you read the fanfics lately? They clearly need some guidance. . . .

My eyes grow wide and I choke down an explosive laugh. Is this person suggesting we inspire some fanfiction? Is this what the Kiss Cam has already come to? My face is warm with a blush, and I bite down hard on my lip to stop the goofy smile from spreading across my cheeks.

Acting out something like that for a fanfiction writer to create a story around is both embarrassing and intriguing. It's almost shameful that I'd want to read whatever they'd come up with. My curiosity is starting to become dangerous. I resort to replying to her.

WereVloggingHere: Alas, a creative request—but for the purpose of better fanfiction? Ah, I should've known this would happen! Is it terrible that I'd like to read whatever the writer comes up with? The result of Kiss Cam shall be very interesting, indeed.—June

I hit enter and the comment pops up beneath the girl's. It's only seconds later that she excitedly replies:

green_fizzle_pop: Ohmygosh, you actually replied to my comment!!! After two years of following you guys, it finally pays off! And YES. You'd be the coolest people EVER. There's not a lot of fanfiction surrounding you guys, and those who do write it need a little boost. I want you guys together SO much, even if it's only in fanfiction—GOOD fanfiction. LOVE YOU GUYS.

Kiss Cam [Teaser/Published October 2016]Where stories live. Discover now