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ALLISON GIVES ME a disapproving look across the lunch table on Tuesday while Lenny and Jasper chug down milk carton after milk carton while I record them, shaking my head with silent giggles.

"I saw the Kiss Cam," she whispers to me, and my finger slips on the camera, jogging the footage.

"Yeah?" I say nervously, hoping the ruckus the boys are making drowns our conversation out. She looks at me pointedly and then wiggles her eyebrows.

Allison's still convinced that the Kiss Cam is a bad idea, and makes a point of being as concerned as possible. But she's also been teasing me about it—and I usually end up a little embarrassed.

"Mm-hmm," she hums. "So, what? You have to plan some revenge, or how does that work?" She doesn't sound particularly interested, but her questioning is enough to seem supportive, nonetheless.

"I told Jasper I'd get revenge," I mutter low enough that the camera can't catch it. "Lenny and I are trying to finish the planning for Thursday."

"Nothing too crazy, I hope," she comments. "Would hate for Jasper to take it the wrong way."

I send her an annoyed look. "You know it's not like that," I remind her.

"Yeah, yeah," she says.

Jasper glances over to me then, and I catch his eye. He gives me two thumbs-up, and I look over to Lenny, who pushes an empty milk carton away like he's going to be sick.

"Winner!" he gloats victoriously. I shake my head and turn the camera toward me.

"Now, if you guys don't mind, it looks like Lenny might throw up on me again, so get out of my way, I'm vlogging anywhere but here!" With that, I shut off the camera and hand it back to Jasper, who is dishing out some pretty vicious smack talk.

Allison lightly kicks me under the table to recapture my attention. "Remember what I said earlier."

"Lenny and I have got this," I assure her.

"Okay, then," she replies.


It seems like an average Thursday. VlogIt is pulled up on Jasper's laptop, and it sits waiting on his bed between Lenny and me while Jasper the other boy is busy messing with the lighting. My stomach is fluttering with nervousness and even a bit of excitement.

Lenny clears his throat next to me, and I turn my head enough to meet his eye with a faint smile. He can't hide it, though, and his lips spread into a large, easy grin. Tonight is the night I'm getting my revenge.

"Today's theme," Jasper tells us as though we've forgotten (and how could we?), "is yes-or-no questions. It should go relatively quickly, seeing as there will be no elaboration to our answers unless completely necessary."

It's hard to hold down the laugh that is threatening to burst. Yesterday Lenny anonymously sent a yes-or-no question to our own channel that is meant deliberately for elaboration. And if this all works out according to plan, my Kiss Cam will be a surprising success.

"All right," Jasper says hums, talking mostly to himself while he gets comfortable between Lenny and me and begins to scroll through the comments under WereVloggingHere. "Let's get started."

With that, he hits record and sits back on his mattress. We all smile at the camera and repeat our well-rehearsed opening bit.

"I'm Jas."

"I'm Lenny."

"I'm June."

"And we're vlogging here!'

Kiss Cam [Teaser/Published October 2016]Where stories live. Discover now