Omgash almost 40 reads!! ^'^ also if you guys can im kinda confused who to ship Tina with (ill wait till chapter 9 or 10 though aint gonna rush it) please comment thanks
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Tobys pov
I cant believe what i just heard ' cant be just cant!' I slowly walked out and went to my room and locked the door and just sat on my bed then i heard a knock on my door "...who is it?..." "its me Jane can i come in?" 'there back already?!?' "n-no" "please?" ...
Janes pov
It was quiet for about 30 seconds i was about to leave when her door open "hey toby.." "h-hi.." "i was wondering if we can talk you seem pretty scared so i came to check on you" "okay i d-don't mind Talking" "lets go to my room" with that i grabed her hand "w-what!?"
Time skip half an hour
Maskys pov
"In not going out like this Jane!" i heard toby call "huh?" i asked comfused next thing i know i see jane and toby and toby went behind me and said "masky tell jane i am not wearing this in public!" she had (clothes up top) and the white 'shirt' if you can call it that hardly covered her breast and the shorts looked tight i just stared at her "M-Masky ?" she asked "pff omg you broke him Toby" said LG "don't forget Jeff and BEN!" said EJ she looked at them and her face started to turn pink "maybe we should get you jeans and a shirt" said Jane "ya think" 😑
At the mall
"Okay first lets get you some clothes..that fit you" "ok but i wanna try to find what my old clothes look like my jacket " "we can try" (just because in lazy the got her a bras makeup clothes and stuff) "does it usually take 4 hours jane" " but you just turned into girl so didn't exactly know what to get so ya" "theres more than 20 bags!" "actually theres 36 in total" (her face was like 😱)