Sorry for no chapter for the past two days Wright's block k!
Toby s pov After hauling all the stuff up to my room witch only ONLY took an hour ya then jane told my all the girl stuff witch was..pretty gross not gonna lie so right now in laying down in bed slender also said that i can take a few days off for what his brother did and that he would be in big trouble but personally i didn't want to be seen by ANYONE right now i was embarrassed to be seen in public buying that sh*t i want to go to sweater land (gravity falls reference) i was about to go to sleep then there was a knock on my door i opened it and saw Jeff i didn't mind talking to him seeing as hes my best friend "hey toby" "hey jeff whats up?" "i just wanted to talk if we could?" "ya sure come on in!...mind the bags tho" "what bags-" i moved out of the way "oh" "ya" with that said i sat on my bed he sat next to me we were just talking when his checks started turning a lil red "hey uh toby" "ya" "i just wanted to say that before you were a girl that i l-" "wusuuup !!" ben said commin in
Jeff's pov
'Dammit!' i thought "oh is this a bad time" he said 'you know its a bad time!' "of course not what do you need?" said toby "i was wondering if you wanna play some video games?" 'say no say no' "sure!" 'FU*K!' "can i play too?" i said ben was about to say something then toby said "ya can he ben?!" she gave of the cutest please face in the world "y-ya s-sure" he shuttered "but go on head down stairs i wanna talk to jeff for a sec" "k" she simply said and headed out he was about to say some thing then i said "don't try shit she mine!" "haha sure but you can get back into your fantasy cause shes mine (oh shit theres gonna be a fucking war!
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