Chapter Twelve - Salang

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Skye and Pia made their way out of the women's rest room.  As much as she hated doing so, she needed to let out her frustrations with Jeremiah over a good cry.  She and Pia locked themselves in the stall for the disabled and she sobbed quietly for just a few minutes before telling Pia she was okay.  She let Pia fix her and retouch her make up before deciding she looked presentable enough again to face Jeremiah.  Skye was straightening the hem of her skirt when she bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said an apology and looked up at the person she bumped into.

"That's alright, no harm, no foul," the man with a shock of dark hair and piercing bright blue eyes said to her.

"Okay, excuse me, I'm sorry again," she smiled and went on  her way.

"I know a way you can make it up to me," the man yelled after her. Skye turned around and looked at the man.  "You can dance with me."

  Skye looked at Pia who gave her a wink.  "Sure," she shrugged.

"Okay, wait for me, nature calls," the handsome man said.

As soon as the man was out of sight, Pia grabbed Skye's arm.  "Here's your chance!  Lesson 2!  Be alluring.  Be seductive.  Knock his socks off, Skye!  You can do this!"

"Okay, I will...breathe in, breathe out," she said.  “This was my idea to gate crash, so I better be prepared for whatever happens, right? I should be prepared if I see him with other women all over him and vice versa?    I can do this!  I can do this!” she repeated like a mantra.

“Atta girl!” Pia cheered her on.

They waited for the man around the corner from where the rest rooms were located.  Pia made herself scarce and looked for Anthony so she could ask him for a dance.  The dark haired and blue eyed man led Skye by the elbow to the dance floor.  “What’s your name?” he asked her.


“Pretty name for a pretty woman.  I’m Patrick.”

“Nice to meet you, Patrick,” she smiled at him.


Jeremiah’s eyes have been darting around all over the areas of the club he can see in his line of vision.  He lost track of where Skye was after Mandy pulled him to the middle of the dance floor where it was the most crowded.  He spotted her with Pia, but the next time he turned his head, they were nowhere to be found.  He hoped she didn’t go home yet.  He didn’t want to leave her side, but she wanted her training, so here it was.  If he had his way, he would just grow some balls and tell her he loved her, consequences be damned.  But life wasn’t that simple, was it?  Being that brutally honest is definitely easier said than done.  Sure, people looking in would say, why don’t you just be honest with each other?  But those people weren’t in his position.  They weren’t walking in his shoes.  He was a stupid 18 year old boy who allowed Skye to control him back then; he allowed her to believe what she wanted to believe and just kept his mouth shut.  Was he going to do the same at 24?  Maybe.  Probably. 

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