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Briar Beauty has always wanted to follow her footsteps and be the next sleeping beauty. She loved her story but then, she realized how much she's miss out on while sleeping for one hundred years. She would miss her friends dearly. As they aged and their time came, Briar would wake up by a prince's kiss and still be as young as she was before.
Briar didn't want that to happen. She didn't want to lose her friends. Because of this, during the Thronecoming dance, she threw the storybook of legends down the Well of Wonder. That well was the only opening to Wonderland.
Once, when Briar and her friends went to Wonderland, they found the real storybook of legends. What seemed to be a miracle to Briar happened. Her best friend forever after, Apple, had said that everyone should be able to follow any destiny they wanted to. Whether Royal or Rebel.
Briar was very hexcited about this. It wasn't usual for Apple to say something like that.
A few months later, the Headmaster had finally put back together all of the pages in the whole book. He told everyone that they had to start following their destinies again. This time, he would take care of the book with great care.
Briar was upset about this. Her whole world had been crushed. Unless, she were to go rebel...

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