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"Hurry up"!!! I yell at the top of my lungs.

I look behind to see nick struggling to keep up. His tiny little legs were going faster than I have ever seen them go before, his face was tomato red, sweat was dripping from his eyes. I saw him collapse, I ran over to him helping him up and that is when I realized we weren't running down a familiar road and I couldn't find Jessy.

It all started about a week ago when my bestie Jessy had her 21st birthday party. It was an amazing party except the fact that after the party Jessy went to Dylan's house. Dylan was my worst enemy, we went to the same school in high school and he would always pick on me for being so tall and having no friends. The funny thing was he also used to pick on Jess by calling her four eyes because she wore glasses, but she still went home with him.

That night I went to nicks house because my mum was out of town and I usually went to Jessy's house but she was at Dylan's. I suppose I liked it better at nicks place anyway, he has wireless internet in every corner of his house, four flat screen tv's, one in his bedroom, one in his parents room, one in the living room, and one In the games room. We usually hang out in the games room when i sleepover at his house. My whole apartment is probably the size of his bathroom.

Me and nick are very different in looks as well he has light blonde hair with deep blue eyes and he is very skinny, while I have brown curly hair, with emerald green eyes and not to brag but I am a bit more stronger and tanner than him. But, if there is one thing we both share, we both absolutely love Jessy. She is perfect and the fact that she went home with that jerk made me really upset.

Jessy's POV

I live in a medium sized apartment, I share with my bestie Montana, we have lived together ever since I moved out when I was 16. I moved out because my parents were both drug addicts and where always beating me and my brother up. One day my parents stabbed my brother because he told the police what my parents were doing to us. So ever since that I have lived with my bestie in an apartment on the outskirts of London. Any way back to the story..

My party was amazing! It was held at my place and I had a color theme which was purple, blue and white. It looked AMAZING!!! After my party I made a really big mistake of going home with Dylan, because as soon as I got in his car I knew I had made a big mistake.

"Hey maybe let's not go to my place" he mumbled just loud enough for me to hear.

"I'm sorry what was that" I asked even though u heard it perfectly fine. He didn't answer. I immediately knew this was going to end badly. "Can you please take me back to my apartment" I asked already dreading what the answer would be. He stopped the car in the middle of the highway. He turned to face me I looked into his dark brown eyes and it was like staring into a fire. I held onto the door handle ready to make a move. His hand tightened into a fist. I had a feeling what happened next I mean working at the casino I had seen many instances like this. That was when a small police care pulled up alongside us. I felt relieved but worried at the same time. I got out of the car basically hugging the police man. "Ma'am are you the driver of this vehicle?" The police man asked pushing me off him. "Uh, no" I replied, just the I heard a door slam. It was Dylan he did not look happy. I started to run because he was chasing me, luckily the police had a stern hold on him. I kept running until one of the police men got in his car and started to chase me. Eventually it caught up to me. "Where do you think you're going missy" a voice rumbled over the police sirens. I explained the whole story to him, and he wished me a happy birthday and drove me home.

When I got back I jumped straight int bed, Montana was cleaning up the benches and stuff. "Where do you think you've been"?? She asked me sounding stern but sarcastic at the same time. I just grunted because I was too tired to say any thing, and then I basically just fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up to find 48 texts from harry and nick. OMG I last night I was so tired that I almost forgot to tell my other besties that I was home. I decided to call harry. "OMG Jessy your ok" harry said sounding relieved.

"Hello to you to" I said sarcastically.

"How was last night with Dylan" he asked, just then I heard a knock on my door.

"One sec someone is at my door" I said confusingly. Like who visits someone at 8 in the morning. When I got up I immediately felt cold. I decided to bring my duvet with me. I opened the door surprised to see Dylan. "Have you heard the news"?? He said with a smirk on his face. Before I could answer he held out his fist, they say that you're dead. I had no idea what he was talking about and all I could think to do was knee him in the balls leaving him in pain on the floor. I ran down the stairs of the apartment block In my slippers and my duvet wrapped around my shoulders. I held the phone to my ear and told harry I will be at his place in 5. Then I hung up. I could hear Dylan coming down the stairs. As I reached the bottom of the stairs I opened the door luckily I was still in my party dress and I still had my purse around my neck so I had my wallet and keys and everything. I jumped in my car and drove off as quickly as I could. Dylan chased the car as far as he could (which wasn't very far). When I arrived at Harry's place he was standing out the front with nick. I was ssoooo happy to see them.

When we went inside I explained everything to them. We decided to google him, and surely enough he has been in juvenile detention twice and been in jail once and he was only 20. It also said that if you ever see him immediately call the police. As we picked up the phone to call the police I heard the door open. "I KNOW YOU ALL ARE IN HERE"!! Dylan shouted. I put the phone down and jumped out the window. "We need to go" I demanded.

"Go where"? Nick asked. I could hear foot steps coming down the hall. "I don't know but we need to go know, this guy is a serial killer and he will kill us we need to go now"! I almost shouted.

Harry's POV

We started to run. I led the way into a nature reserve, which goes on forever but eventually it leads to the city... We were running for what felt like ages but I wasn't looking back nor, was I stopping.

"Hurry up"!!! I yell at the top of my lungs.

I look behind to see nick struggling to keep up. His tiny little legs were going faster than I have ever seen them go before, his face was tomato red, sweat was dripping from his eyes. I saw him collapse, I ran over to him helping him up and that is when I realized we weren't running down a familiar road and I couldn't find Jessy.

||||||ok I know it is a bit much for a first chapter but all of that Dylan stuff is just background information. This wasn't really a chapter it was more a background story. So don't go off thinking that it was WAYYY over the top for a first chapter. Because this was a lead up chapter to the real story|||||||||

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