Chapter 2

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It was really hard running in slippers. I slipped over a few times, so I decided to hide in the bushes until Dylan ran past. I waited like 5 minuets crouched in the bushes, when I saw a spider I freaked out and just ran. Eventually I made it to were nick and harry were.

"Hey is Dylan gone" I asked no louder than a whisper.

"Yeah he left like ages ago" nick replied.

There was something I liked about nick. I wasn't sure whether it was his really cute American accent or his messy blonde hair, but whatever it is, it has affected me since 3rd grade.

" hey in case you haven't realized we are in the middle of nowhere" harry blurts out. I took a look around and I couldn't recognize anything. I had always played in this forest as a child,it was kind of an escape from my cruel parents. I had pretended that it was a magical forest, but at the moment it was anything but a magical forest. I looked around and all I could see were trees taller than I have ever seen before, they towered over us like skyscrapers, there was nothing on the floor but leaves, it was almost like those forests you see in horror movies.

I heard my stomach rumbling "hmm, time for lunch" I told myself"

"MEE TOO, I skipped breakfast I'm starving"!! Nick exclaimed. The one thing that I really liked about nick was his eyes, I could stare into them all day.

"Ok let's get outta here and into my apartment" harry said.


We arrived safely at Harry's apartment, but as harry opened the door we heard a girl scream.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE" the woman yelled waving a knife at us.

Harry's POV

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!!!! THIS IS MY APARTMENT NOW GET OUT BEFORE I CALL THE COPS"!!! I yelled. She walked away, and came back with a bunch of papers.

"Here", she said handing me the papers "proof, that I live here, and have done so for 20 years".

Confused, I examined the papers only to find what she say is true. "Ok I'm sorry" I said, still confused. I turned around to the beautiful Jessy and the not so beautiful Nick, as the woman shut the door rudely in our faces.

"Well that was weird" nick said sounding more confused than me.

"Let's go to my place" Jessy suggested.


When we got to Jessy's apartment we had to walk up heaps of stairs because she lived on the top floor of the apartment block.

When we finally got to the top we had to knock because she had forgotten her keys.

"Hello can I help you" Montana said as she opened the door. "Can I come in, I mean like I live here too" Jessy joked as she leaned in for a hug, "did you miss me"?

"I'm sorry but I haven't seen you before in my life, and I certainly do not live with you" Montana said pushing Jessy away and slamming the door.

I looked over at Jessy and I could see that she was in tears. I put my arm around her and she sobbed into my shoulder.

Nicks POV


We decided to go to my place. It was a bit of a walk because I lived more in the city, but we made it. As I put my key in the keyhole i realized that it didn't fit. "Hmmm that's odd" I mumbled.

"What's odd"?? Harry asked.

"My key doesn't fit" I said confused. Jessy knocked on the door. There was no answer. She knocked again. Still no answer. As she went to knock again we heard a voice from behind us "HEY, YOU THREE" it was a construction worker "YOU REALIZE THAT WE ARE JUST ABOUT TO KNOCK THIS GHOST TOWN DOWN"!

"We're sorry" Jessy apologized as we walked down the driveway.

"Um excuse me, but I live here" I said as I awkwardly approached the worker.

"What are you talking about"? The worker asked "no one has lived here since the murder"

"W-what murder"?? I asked nervously.

"A few years ago there was a murder in this house, now can you please move we are trying to demolish this house" the construction worker asked.

I walked away, but there was something weird about him..... That's when I realized..... It was my dad.

"DAD" I yelled as I ran back over to the construction worker.

"I'm sorry but I don't have any children" he replied "now to really must go".

I walked away trying to make sense of what had just happened. Like there is someone completely different living in Harry's apartment, my house is getting demolished and Montana had forgotten Jes......

"FORGOTTEN"!! I yelled at the top of my lungs. Jessy and harry both turned to me, looking confused.

"We've been forgotten" i repeated.

|||||ok so I hoped you liked the chapter, and if you live in Australia and you recognize the story line, it is because I am kind of copping an Australian TV series called Nowhere Boys..... Kind of, it will be quite different|||||||

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2013 ⏰

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