Red door, Yellow door part 2

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So now you know how red door, yellow door is played. This is my friend that I was playing with's world. She appears in a field in front of a house. She enters the house that she described as a log cabin. She sees a kitchen, living room and stairs leading up, she said she felt anxious and thought she saw something in the kitchen so she goes up. She continues to go up until she reaches a roof, but the sky seems fake. She climbs up a stair of clouds (perfectly normal) and goes into a room. In the room there were cages and dark corners that she was scared of. The man in the dark cloak and fedora rose up out of the floor and she was enveloped in darkness, but she stayed. She described the room that she appeared in exactly as mine was. She said she felt unwelcome, so she tried to leave and saw the man, but he started shifting from man to women and screaming. She woke up abruptly.

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