In the parking lot

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On the other hand, something has always bothered me about our first meeting. Zico. Why did he run? Why did Taewoon say his name so cold?

Before I even could stop myself I opened my mouth and said

"What's up with you and your brother? You don't seem that close, well that close that I though you would be but still." He leans back in his chair and throws the fork light back on the table. He sights before he started to say

"Me and my brother, we... we aren't like everyone thinks. We started out being in the same company and same group, but the minute I found out that, he was going to be the leader. I guess something light up inside of me. I still don't know what it was. So I went to our manager and told him that I thought I shouldn't be in Block b anymore and shouldn't debut with them. And as I saw block b rise and speed and still. I... I haven't been the same."

I nod through his whole story and just sit there looking at him.

"So that is why, I guess. I am older than he is, I got in the industry before him and everything but still he manged to be the one everyone knows about. Even people who didn't know that he was my little brother, went over and became an bbc instead of a deeps." For the first time since he started to talk, he looked at me.

"How come you stayed? You meet him, he was kind to you that day. You even said you listened to their music. Why are you still here? With me?"

I lean forward, takes both of his hands in mine, and locks our eyes.

"I stayed because I like you, not him. And yeah I listen to their music but I also listen to beast. Do you see me leaving you for someone in beast? No you don't because I am staying right here with you." I lean in all the way and kiss him. "To be honest I like Taeil better" whit this he laughs.

"You listen to beast? I didn't know that."

I love to see him smile.

"Now can we talk about what happened a few night ago when I fell asleep on Taeha's shoulder and you came back pissed?"

"Seriously? You really want to?" I nod and takes a sip from the wine.

"Okay then, a lot of people likes him right, so I have this thing towards him as well, that you might leave me for him, like people do with me to Zico."

"Taewoon, Jiseok." When he heard his real name, he quickly looks up at me.

"I'll say it one more time. I will not leave you. For anyone. Taeha had a comfortable shoulder, it was late and we watched a lame movie waiting for you. He stayed there to keep me company while waiting for you. And by the way he fell asleep before me so."

I pick up the spoon and eat the last of the desert. Vanilla ice cream with hot raspberry sous. Dear god it's delicious.

"Y/N look at me, and don't tease me with a fricking spoon." I need to laugh.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He holds my hands "You are like a dream to me, you know that. And thank you for keeping your head cold when I have troubles. I love you" he moves his hands up to cup my face and pisses me passionately.

"I love you too," I say when he pulls back to breath.

To my surprise, he stands up and hold out his hand for me to take. When I stand up the waiter comes inn.

"Here you go sir, the bill." Taewoon takes the bill and signs him to stay put. He throws some bucks inn, which I believe, is a bit over the asking, still he gives it to him without even checking how much he actually gave.

"Let's go. I wanna take you some place even better."

When the waiter opened the bill to check, he bowed in a 90 degree and said thank you like a million times. How much did he give?

We come out of the restaurant laughing and holding hands. He admitted that he didn't check what he gave so it could have been double of what he needed to give. Which made us laugh.

A car just parked and out of it came four guys. Taewoon comes to stop in his tracks.

"Dude isn't that you brother?" one of them said and pointed at Taewoon.

"Yeah it is" he pulled down his sunglasses and then I could see that it was Jiho.

The four guys stand on a line in front of the car. In which I happen to notice is parked right next to ours. Jiho takes a step closer to us and look straight at me.

"Where have I seen you before?" I clear my through and takes a small step forward

"Seriously you don't remember? Three mounts ago, in a tiny café, you ran out the minute he showed up" I flip my head towards Taewoon.

"Damn. You're... you're Taewoon's friend. Now that I look at it not much friend any more huh"

"You two have meet?" another one said, this one not that tall.

"Yeah Kyung we have, I was to pick up a coffee and then she was sitting alone so I thought I should say hi and then brig bro showed up." Okay so the one who is small and a bit curly is Kyung that who is the tall one who spoke first. Moreover, who is the one who haven't said a thing?

"Oh right! This is Kyung" He held up a hand and said a short hey.

"This is Jaehyo" so he is the tall brown. He did the same with the short hey. He looks a bit more mature that the other three it wouldn't surprise me if he were the oldest.

"And last we have U-kwon"

"Hey, you can call me Kim Yukwon, u-kwon is my stage name." I wave at them all and move closer to Taewoon,

"So Jiseok, what are you up to?" Kyung said.

"I was planning on getting to my car. But it is right next to yours. So if you mind moving a tiny bit." They all moved to the side but not Jiho. Not even when they are centimetres apart.

"I have been thinking that we should meet up soon and talk you know, like brothers do." After some seconds, I give him a light push on the side

"Why not." He sighs

"Why can't I join, I would like to get to know you" I look between them before I add, "Only if it is okay for the both of you"

Jiho turns to look at me with a smile. "For me it's okay since I would like getting to know my brothers girlfriend." He looks at him.

"We'll meet up, because I have been thinking the same thing. Better to do it with one at a time. Now would you move?" he nods and moves the side. Taewoon opens the door for me and walks over to his side.

While driving out of the parking lot I can see Jiho trailing behind the three other with hands in his pockets and a head low. Why does it seem like it was something that is friends had told him to do. And not something, that he actually wanted to do. No matter, they are going to meet up and have a great time I swear to god. 

Sorry that this chapter is so late :/ i moved and tried to be social, sooo damn. 

on the other hand i hope that you liked it and don't forget to vote and comment love ya^^

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