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Hi everyone!

Just saying that this is the first book i have on wattpad so don't go expecting anything "WOW!" and as the title says it is only a rough draft. And sorry about the first chapter and the introduction beeing really short.

But I am always open to constructive critism, and ofcourse complements ;)

Please Vote, comment and fan!

Jess :)



Have you ever heard the story of a young woman named Cathleen Bennet and the life she lived, one that started of perfect – by perfect I mean safe – then took a turn for the worse. If you have not then it is time you woke up to the world that we once inhabited a world where legends were known as prophecies and myths known as the ramblings of old women who have gone mad during the first of the many wars that took place during young Cathleen’s life. If you wish to know the tale forget all you know about the modern world and allow yourself to be taken to a time so long ago all references have long disintegrated or been destroyed by tyrant monarchs who ruled the after time.


I dreamt that I was in a thick lush meadow enjoying the taste of the berries that grow on the bushes that rimed my path, the wind that lifted my luscious black hair, the soft moist soil that cushioned my sun darkened feet and squeezed between my toes and the birds that nested in the thick canopy. Perfect. A twig cracked behind me, being in a wonderful dream world I thought nothing of it. Until a hand clamped over my mouth and nose cutting of my air, I only had time to do not to think, so before I knew what my body was doing I was stamping on my captors foot and ramming my elbow into their stomach. Jugging by the grunt I guessed he was male. I pressed my advantage by turning around and kneeing him in the groin, he doubled over and cursed. I ran. I was so focused on putting distance between me and my attacker that I only just managed to avoid running face first into the forests trees, but I did sport new cuts and bruises. The one thing I couldn’t avoid was the cliff. And I fell.

I awoke screaming, sweat covered and shaking “Cathleen, Cathleen!” Tlulla my sister called sounding worried; she burst through the door looking scared and more than a little sick. “Hey there, it’s OK it was only a nightm-” She cut off half way through realising what she was saying “It was THE nightmare again wasn’t it?” I nodded not trusting my own voice knowing I would cry and surly enough I could feel my eyes sting with unshed tears. “Why can’t I have DREAMS instead of nightmares or at least different ones” I sobbed.

“I don’t know” she whispered “I don’t know” I turned my head away and looked at Katy our little sister.

 “At least someone is getting a good night sleep”

“I wonder why, why young children can sleep through loud noises” Tlulla asked with genuine curiosity.

 “I am so sorry for waking you up Tlulla your probably getting sick of it” I looked back at my sister, amusement touched her face, she bent down to stroke my hair and kissed my forehead her black hair was tussled with sleep and her soft sweet face held admiration and love her deep brown eyes were calm and comforting.

“It’s OK, after all what are big sisters for and anyway I need to go the bakers to get fresh bread for today, you sure your OK?” She asked.

“Yes I’m sure” I smiled “Thank-you” she smiled back at me, then left.

My throat burned with thirst and I only now realised the pounding in my skull, there was no chance of sleep so I slid out of bed, and shivered as the cold night air wisped around my clammy skin. As I opened the door I heard two muffled voices arguing, it was probably Josh and Isaac arguing about who is going to the market in the morning, I walked down the corridor to their room and surly enough the voices grew louder “ I went yesterday, its all fair that you go today!” Josh hissed,

“Maybe but today is my birthday, I should get the day off, besides you remember that chicken farmer on count lane? Last time he set his dogs loose on me! All I did was sold him the feed he asked for!” Isaac retorted “I know what we could do!”

“What?” Josh asked impatiently “don’t try to make one of your stupid deals where you say “you do it today and I’ll do all your chores for a week!” you never do”

“No, no better. We send Cathleen today! She has always wanted to go to the market!”

“Sorry Isaac, not today I have too much to do, wash clothes, then mend them, help mama with the cooking then go harvest our wheat not forgetting feed the chickens” I said the last bit with an undertone of irony “Oh and please stop shouting the COUNT probably can hear you!”

“Run little sister run! You’re going to get it” Josh teased,

“I’d like to see you try” I called laughing, I ran down the stairs headache and thirst temporally forgotten, as I turned a corner I ran straight into a wall, I don’t recall a wall being here, I looked up a man stood there. I screamed, and that was a mistake, he grabbed me and struck me in the head.

Then I fell to blackness.

Rebelion               (this is only a rough draft not the propper thing)Where stories live. Discover now