Chapter Three:

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Previously on,

Bella calmed down and nodded her head as she looked at them. "You all can come in." She said and walked inside. Ethan smiled slightly, gripping Benny's hand as they all walked in.

Bella's P. O. V.

I couldn't believe it. Just when I thought things couldn't get much worse, it did. I couldn't believe my cousin and his friends were vampires. She knew they were a different species of vampires considering they didn't have pale and cold skin or gold or red eyes. She ran her fingers through her hair as she sat down in Charlie's chair as she saw Ethan, Benny, and a dark skinned girl sit next to them on the couch as the blondes sat on the ground.

"So, How did you guys get roped in the supernatural world?" Bella asked. Ethan sighed and went in a full explanation of how it started when they were in sophomore year and Sarah, the dark skinned girl was bitten by her vampire boyfriend and had went to Ethan's house to babysit Jane when Ethan noticed that Sarah didn't have a reflection. Turned out they found out Sarah was a vampire and later that night so was Erica and Rory. They battled a lot of strange stuff like witches, werewolves, ghosts, possessed kids. And then Ethan was bitten by a vampire named Jesse. Sarah had tried to get the venom out but she took to much blood and ended up changing Ethan. And Benny and Ethan started dating and Ethan changed Benny. And all the other crazy stuff they did until they graduated and then moved out of Whitechapel and decided to come see Charlie and I.

I stared shocked at them, after what they all been through and sighed. "Your story is much more exciting than mine." I said, causing Benny to chuckle. I told my story of how I met Edward and his family after moving here to live with Charlie after mom had remarried. How they had pale skin and golden eyes. Then how Edward saved me from Tyler's van and then how he saved me from almost being raped by those dudes. I told them how I found out him and his family were vampires and I had met the family and the day we decided to play baseball which turned out to be a disaster as three nomads came and a tracker wanted my blood. I told them how I went to confront James by myself because I thought he had Renée and ended up being bitten but Edward sucked the venom out and I woke up in the hospital.

I never thought I'd see Ethan and Benny so mad before as they looked like they were ready to kill something. Sarah looked like she wanted to do something but couldn't. Erica looked like she wanted to bite someone's head off. Rory just looked like Benny and Ethan.  "I'm sorry I should've been here for you Bella. If I'd known I'd help you." Ethan said. "It's not your fault Ethan." I said and suddenly they all stood up. "Someone's here." Erica said. I walked over to the window and looked out to see Edward and Alice walking up to the door.
"It's OK. Its just Edward and his sister" I said and went to let them in.

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