Hour 9

131 10 10

Olivia's POV

He finally got bored after about an hour and chucked me back in here, it's now about quarter past 8 in the morning, I don't do night and day anymore really though, I just sleep whenever I can, it was early today so he'll want another round maybe two unless he's busy, sometimes he'll be gone for a couple of days, the other guys don't usually touch me because 'I'm his' but some of them do it anyways, if he's gonna be gone for more than two or three days he tells them too because he doesn't want me getting too comfortable, because I could totally do that, he's only taken my soul, if it weren't for Ruby I'd just want to die...sometimes I do anyway, by I know that I can't leave her with him because she would never be safe, I pick her up out of her crib and sit down with her leaning against my chest, my knees pulled up to my body but only halfway so I can sit her back against them later but that's when I hear it, the van, it pulls up outside, I hear it park and then them open it, there's yelling, a lot of it, some crying and some screaming, I feel like I recognise he voices but I don't know why, I mean there's some of his henchmen but I recognise the other voices too, I don't know why, I finally hear the yelling stop but I can't still hear sobbing and then I realise there's a child crying, possibly a baby, it's not Ruby because I have her so who is it, the sobbing comes closer and then suddenly my door opens and some people are pushed in before its slammed shut again, I'm shocked by who I see

Ryan's POV

Sarah was in tears, she couldn't get herself stood up so I carried her, considering she's like 5 months pregnant she's pretty light, he was getting really rough with her and that was just making everything worse so I just took her after some yelling at him for being so rough, we were forced to blindfold ourselves at gunpoint, he'd taken mine at some point while we were drugged, well one of them, there was a bunch of them, we got shoved in a room as the blindfolds were taken off and the door slammed shut behind us, turned to Rowan who was behind me when I saw a figure in the corner, her face was hidden but I was pretty sure I knew who it was

"Liv?" I asked gently, and I had a bigger shock when I looked up as I saw what or should I say who she was shielding, then I saw what she was next to and it all made sense

"R...Ryan?" She whispered

"You're still alive!" Rowan gasped in Liv's direction

"Only because of her" she gestured towards the little baby in her arms which was presumably her daughter

"How old is she?" I ask, trying to get to the point

"I had her early, she's 5 months old, he thinks she's his" she tells me I a hushed tone

"Thinks?" Rowan asks quietly

"Ray" she says in such a small voice that I almost miss it

Then she really focuses on on what's going on and noticed Sarah who I'm still carrying

"Sarah?" She asks

"She could do it herself, I don't know what's wrong, if she just couldn't do it or there's something wrong with her pump or if it's something to do with the baby, she said her abdomen hurt and then there was just crying" I tell Liv who nods as she gets up the baby in her arms begins to whimper

"Not now rubs please sweetie" she tells the little girl as she puts her down in the crib with a little teddy and comes over towards us a little tentatively

"Put her on the bed" she gestures to the bed I presume is hers, I do as she tells me, I think Sarah passed out because she doesn't appear to be awake at the moment and I highly doubt she fell asleep

"Does she have a spare for her pump?" She asks me

"Row the bag?" I gesture to Sarah's bag which Rowan picked up when we got out of the van, she throws it to me, I dig through it a second and produce what Liv needs, Liv grabs it and changes it, Sarah was so worried about what was going on with the baby that she forgot she needed to sort herself out

When Liv's done she gets up ask goes over to the baby in the crib who is now getting louder

"No Ruby no please! If you do that he'll come in and if he comes in he'll take one of us, I can't let him take you but I can't do that again, I just cants do it not after this morning, please stop, please!" She begs the clueless child in her arms as she bounces her, she's starts to lose it, I feel so sorry for her

"Can I?" I hear Rowan ask, Liv looks at her for a second but being on the verge of a panic attack hesitantly nods, I take rivers from Rowan and Rowan takes Ruby as Liv called her, Rowan bounces her gently with a little smile, talking to her in a babying voice and she soon calms down, Olivia hurriedly takes her back after that

"Thanks" she says shortly after she has her arms wrapped tightly around her daughter protectively, I hand rivers back to Rowan who appears to have also noticed that Liv is shaking

"Liv what did he do to you this morning?" I ask her concernedly but she just shakes her head and doesn't answer, I go to step towards her but she jumps back in fright and hits against the wall

"You've been bleeding" I tell her as I notice a cut on her arm, it looks pretty recent

"Nothing new" she says grimly

"What did he do to you this morning?" I ask her again hoping to get an answer this time

"The same thing he does most days" she evades

"Which is?" I push but she just shakes her head again

"The same thing Bradley did to Sarah I expect" Rowan says rather emotionlessly

"What did he do to her?" Olivia asks quietly

"What does this guy do to you?" Rowan responds as though telling her that they were the same things

"Are you trying to tell me that guy is Bradley?" She asks after a few moments

"Bradley's dead" we turn to see Sarah's awake again but in a rather bitter mood, she sits herself up a little bit, pulling a slight face as she does, apparently still in some pain

"What?" Olivia asks confused

" he was one of the ones holding me, row, B and Chloe, he raped me and he beat me, when Peyton found out when they saved us he was furious, Bradley attacked me when I hurt my ankle, when they all got back to me Bradley tried to fight them and Peyton accidentally pushed him over a cliff, he's dead, the bastard got what he deserved" she's spoke very discompassionately

"Oh" Olivia replied quietly

"We do have to think though, was it definitely Bradley who did that if he wasn't A?" I ask and then regret it straight away

"Excuse me but I hunk I damn well know who fucking raped me, it was him, he spoke in the exact same way, used the same speech patterns both before and after he was unmasked so yes, yes it was Bradley who held us, who beta and raped me, maybe he wasn't the mastermind behind holding us, obviously he wasn't really A, he clearly wasn't the one who had Liv but yes he was the one who slapped me, who punched me, who did other things I don't wish to repeat, especially not with two children in the room" she was furious at the mere suggestion, then again to be honest I don't blame her

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have suggested it" I apologise and watch her fight back tears

"I get it" Liv told her and that's when it really sinks in, this has been happening to Liv for a year


I'm back with avengeance, or in Sarah's case just aggression, what do you thinks gonna happen next? Xoxo

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