Snape's last thought

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People think that dying happens quickly. It doesn't.

When Voldemort left me to die, it was horrible. Potter and his friends came. I couldn't tell them my thanks like I would have wanted to. He took my tears, and when he thought I was dead he left for the pensive.

I wasn't dead.

My brain was screaming, I was trying to say something, but it didn't work.

I stayed paralyzed, I couldn't even open my eyes.

I was awake.

But barely.

I kept crying, as something weird happened.

It was like a dream, like- a movie- of my life.

It skipped most parts, the best and worse parts stood out. I cried at most. But there were a few...

That were good.

When Lily and I were talking under a tree.

When I finally shot back at James with a hex.

When I saved Harry... Multiple times.

I suddenly opened my eyes.

"I did alright" I whispered to myself.

"I did alright..."


I'm sorry!

I know it's sad... But also kind of happy! .... Right?

Maybe this will be a series, 'someone's last thoughts'

I dunno.

See you soon!

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