Jasmine Dursley

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Dudley having a baby girl who he named Jasmine, to keep the flower name thing going. Harry visits him and Jasmine just went to Hogwarts, because she is a magic child.

Dudley gets an owl, and opens the letter seeing that she is in Ravenclaw. "Uhh, Harry, whats um, Ravenclaw?"

"The smart house" Harry laughs.

"And the other houses?" Dudley inquired.

Harry thought for a moment, "Gryffindor is Braveness, Hufflepuff is loyalty, Slytherin in ambition and Ravenclaw as you know, is intelligence"

"And what in your opinion is the best house?" Dudley pressed, in a very Dursley way.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "All of them are perfect" he said, walking off angrily.

Dudley stayed there, a little confused, not know the inequality of the houses when Harry was young.

Guuuyyyyzzzzz I'm so sorry for not posting sooner, but my grade is so HARD

I have track, guitar, and math 4 times a week :(

I'll try to update more often

Crystal xx

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