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The first four chapters are about the four main characters. Skip to chapter 5 It's about a NEW job to start the story.

Alexandra Howell was the daughter of a Catholic Pastor who would go to the city of Terre Haute every other Sunday to help his church's sister church with confession. Alexandra grew up listening to stories about just how damned that city was. After all the whole goddamn town was going to hell. To prove his point her father took Alexander there
However Alexander loved the town. She loved the give and pull, the disregard rules, the diversity, the idea that anyone could be running the town, under layers of deceit, but more than anything, she love the freedom that seemed to course through the town. The idea that you could do anything, even if it was illegal or morally wrong.
Now, three years after she first step into the Sin City, she was returning. However she was no longer Alexandra, the preacher's daughter, but going under the shortened name of Alexa, an up-and-coming Rockstar.

Sin City: Terre HauteWhere stories live. Discover now